Bethany does something that Josh and Hannah never did when they were babies. Well, actually, she does lot's of things that Josh and Hannah never did. Shad and I have decided that Bethany is kind of an odd baby. Her happy noises consist of grunting while turning red in the face (people will say, "Oh, she's pooping." And I have to reply, "No, she's just happy.") and, her all time favorite, blowing raspberries, as. hard. as. she. can. Not so fun when I am trying to feed her strained peas.
Another funny thing she does is every time we lay her down in her crib to sleep, she puts her legs straight up in the air, and just leaves them there. Sometimes I come in to get her in the morning and I know she's awake because I can see her legs up in the air. She will also raise her legs up and then kick them both down as hard as she can. She does this in her crib (which we can hear all the way down stairs), on her changing table or on the floor. And I mean she does it as hard as she can. It sounds painful when she does it on a hard surface. Her heels slam down, but she just sits there and smiles.
Since she is so active with her legs, she also rarely has them in the legs of her jammies in the morning. If she has snap jammies on, she has kicked out all the snaps and her legs are bare. If she has on zipper jammies, one or both of her legs are wadded up in the crotch area of her jammies. I know, she's an odd little girlie. The other day I went to get her up and, when I came down the stairs, had to break it to Shad that our poor little baby has suffered an above the knee amputation.
See? Poor girl. I don't know how she will ever learn to walk now.
But, you know, she doesn't even seem to mind.

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