Today I went to the grocery store with my little tag along, Bethany. Since it was cold out this morning I put her beanie hat on. Oh, who am I kidding? When she wears her little pea coat with brown leggings, sometimes people call her a boy. I don't like it, at all. So now when she wears her pea coat, she wears an over the top, perhaps, pink hat with a huge flower plastered to her forehead. No one calls her a boy now. I can't help but beam with pride as I walk through the store and hear all the oohs, aahs and "Oh what an adorable baby".
When I got to the car, I was totally distracted by how cute my girlie was that I forgot to remove the hat from her head. While sitting at the front of the red light line, Bethany started to cough. It was a gaggy, I-have-something-in-my-mouth type of cough. Not wanting to upset traffic, I waited to see if she would get the phlegm cleared on her own. I mean if she's coughing, she's breathing. No, she coughed again. Then I remembered she had her hat on and was probably sucking on the flower, so I flipped around in my seat. I knew I had a little more time before the light turned green because in this town the lights are long, seriously. Shad doesn't agree, but I know it's true. Anyway,I ripped the flower out of her hand and took her hat off, just to cover all my bases. I turned around in my seat and saw that the light was green. It must have just changed because no one honked at me to go.
Just as I started to pull into the intersection, she gag/coughed again, and again and again. Clearly she had something in her mouth still. I whipped into the first parking lot I saw, parked, jumped out and ripped open her door. Her eyes were all red and watery and her nose was running from the gagging. I did a quick finger sweep and couldn't find anything in her mouth. Since Bethany had started smiling at me and blowing raspberries (her favorite happy noise) I decided she was fine, wiped the snot and tears from her face, got back in my seat and started to back out of the parking spot. And the gagging started again. Darn!
I re parked, jumped out of my seat and opened her door. She was still gagging. I put my finger in her mouth and had to pry open her gums. Bethany has some amazingly strong jaws. I couldn't find anything in her mouth, but I knew there had to be something, so I got a little more aggressive with my finger search around her mouth. I though I felt something way in the back by her cheek, so I pressed firmly to the inside of her cheek as I dragged my finger out of her mouth. This is what I found.
A tiny flower petal.
Lesson of the day: Sometimes babies can be so cute it's dangerous.
See what I mean?

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