I am sure Shad doesn't want me to share this, but I am going to anyway. I was at Craft Warehouse a few weeks ago and discovered that they have pink and brown animal print Minke (that super soft stuff) material in several different prints and matching solids. Oh my goodness! I was beside myself with excitement. My MIL said she would be happy to make a blanket and bumper using it, I just needed to get the material I wanted and she gave me the amounts I would need. Here's the problem. There was just way too much to choose from and I had no idea where to start. The other day I was talking to Shad about it and telling him I just needed a decisive person to go down there with me and help me commit. Do you know what he said? "Do you want me to go down there with you and help you decide?" What a guy!! So after a little disbelief I said yes. So we went down there with two insanely hyper kids that thought it was Wrestle Mania 2010 and made decisions and bought all the material. I am so thankful for that man and so very excited to see how it all comes out. I promise to post pics when it is all done.
We had parent/teacher conferences at the kids' school today. Josh is doing wonderfully in all subjects and his behavior. His teacher says he is a great story teller, very imaginative, a good friend and student. Hannah, on the other hand, needs to improve on most of her skills at school. Her teacher says that she is a sweet girl that participates in class, but her fine motor skills and letter writing and recognition need a lot of work. I have to keep reminding myself that she is 6 months younger than Josh was when he started school and Josh is a lot more of a concrete thinker that she is. I have to stop comparing the two and remember that they are two different kids, otherwise, I could easily be discouraged about Hannah's development at school. Also, she's 4, only 4. She has a lot of learning to go in life.
Like I mentioned above, I started physical therapy (PT) last Friday. This ankle just seems to have healed to a certain point, but won't go any further. It's still sore, swells a little, has no sense of balance and is so weak, so my doctor and I decided it would be a good idea to see a therapist. After a thorough exam he explained that 1) because of the pregnancy my joints are all relaxed (to make delivery easier) so it is going to be a slow process and 2) he says that when I rolled the ankle the tendons that hold the fibula to my ankle pulled it down and now it is wedged in my ankle. Ouch, I know. Well that explains a lot about the pain I have been having and where it is located. So I do my ankle exercises and I will see him once to twice a week for the next few weeks and see how far we get. He seems to think it will go fast. I hope so since insurance only covers 80% for PT and I have this whole birthing stuff coming up too.
All of that being said, I have officially decided to stop going to Group Power at the gym. I came to this conclusion for a few reasons. 1) My lower belly was cramping like crazy on Monday, 2) I'm sure all the other folks in the class don't enjoy watching the turtle trying to get off it's back after we lay flat on the bench to do bench press and 3) after exercising my sore ankle all week long, doing squats and lunges on it makes for an ankle that is so sore it wakes me up at night. So it will just be walking on the tread mill for me, until (if and when) I get too pregnant for that too.
So that's the nitty gritty of my life for now. I am heading to our church's woman's retreat on Friday and I don't know if I will get another post up before I leave. It's over at the coast and I will have to leave a little early on Sunday so I can get the kids and I to the big city to see Yo Gabba Gabba live with my sister and niece. It should be fun and only a little obnoxious. So I hope you all have a great rest of the week and weekend.

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