1. What is the most physically painful thing that has ever happened to you?
This one was easy. No, it's not child birth. I am wholly and completely an epidural kinda girl. Nope, without a doubt, it was this summer when I sprained my ankle. I cried, got sweaty, nauseated, almost passed out and almost, uh, how do I say this, had an accident (get my drift?). The pain was icky (due to the popping sensation), sudden and excruciating. I literally cried and rolled around on the ground and had a very hard time getting control of myself. I know I scared the kids and probably Shad too. I DO NOT recommend spraining your ankle.
2. How much sleep do you get at night?
Shad will agree with this one, I love my sleep! I NEED at least 8 hours a night to feel totally rested. Now in a non-prego state, I can usually do that. My kids have been very good to me and usually sleep in until about 8 and if they get up before me, they usually leave me alone. Now that I am nearing my third trimester sleep is getting much more difficult to attain. I can fall asleep, but staying asleep is hard. So I roll around and go potty a lot. But I still go to bed about 10 and get up at 6:30ish, so if I did stay asleep I would still get my 8 hours.
3. How long did you believe in Santa Claus? How did you find out that he does not exist?
I'm going to be honest here and you may think I am heartless. I don't ever remember believing in Santa, ever. I even got yelled at by the neighbor girl's mom once at about age 9 because I told her daughter that Santa wasn't real. It was always a fun story, but I knew it was just a story. And while I am being heartless, I will go so far as to tell you that I have already told my kids that he is not real. It just seems like a lot of work to do the whole Santa thing, not to mention, I can't get past the lying part. So I just kept it real and told them the truth. Neither one really seemed to care much.
4. What was the last movie you saw in a theater?
It was in October with Sarah and Maria as we celebrated all of our October birthdays. The movie was You Again. It was just OK, but the evening and the company was great!
5. What do you wear to bed?
I cannot sleep if I am too hot, especially my feet. So socks are completely out! I also don't like to get tangled up in pants or the shorts wedgie, so I sleep in undies and a night gown or T-shirt.
So there you have it, my very first published 5 Question Friday. I say published because I started on once, but never got it finished or posted. Have a great weekend, see you on Monday.

Thanks for your answers to the 5QF-I hope your ankle is completely recovered!
I have never taught my children about Santa either-I too feel like it's lying, because it is. =) NOT that I judge everyone as liars if they teach their kids that he's real! lol
Have a great weekend!
I was around 7 when my sister told me she found all the Christmas gifts under our parents bed and that was proof that Santa wasn't real. I was totally crushed. My sister used it as an excuse that if our parents lie to us about Santa and the Easter Bunny, then what's stopping them from lying about God? She's struggled with that for years. I've told my kids the real story about Santa from the beginning because I don't want them to think about Christmas as all about Santa. We celebrate Jesus' birthday. This year we're even making a birthday cake for Him. We tried last year, but got too busy.
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