Monday, August 10, 2015

Hannah’s 9

Today we celebrate this girl, right here.


Hannah Elizabeth is 9 years old today.

For her gift, we re-decorated her bedroom, inadvertently making it look like a pre-teen’s bedroom.  What was I thinking???




She chose this nightstand so she would have a place for her CD player, books and a shelf for her Lego Friends sets.


We chose curtains to match the quilt her Grandma Connie gave her last year.


She made the drawer labels a year ago in the hopes that she would have more organized drawers.  I’m not so sure that it has worked out that way.


Hannah Liz, we love having you in our family.  I love watching you as a big sister.  Yesterday, you taught your little sister how to cut cherry tomatoes with great patience.  I love that you and Josh will go into your room and build Legos together, combining yours with his.  I love that you are finding a love for reading and that you have blossomed in your math skills this year.  Going back to gymnastics this summer was a great idea!  You are so close to getting to the top of the rope at the gym!  Watching Bethany and you sharing that interest is so special.  You are kind, thoughtful, helpful, sassy, stubborn, so good with your hands, creative, artistic, patient, silly and getting so, so grown up.  God has big plans for you in this life and I am so excited to see how that all plays out.  In one month you become a fourth grader, the top of the class at your school, and then it’s off to middle school.  I pray for a self confidence and humility that can only be found in a relationship with God.  You are beautiful, inside and out, and I love being your mom!

Happy birthday, Hannah!



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