Friday, December 6, 2013

Potty Saga, Part Two


(Snow day 2013)

This little girl slays me.  She is so cute, sweet, very silly, calculating, cuddly, smart, and so, so goofy.  Did I mention she is also mature for her age?  She likes to watch all the same shows that the big kids watch.  No Dora for this girl.

One of the perks of a third child is that I am a much better, more relaxed parent.  I am so much better at choosing my battles with Bethany.  I let more things slide with her because, now that I have some experience under my belt, I know that if she wants to run around wearing tights as pants on Thanksgiving day, what is it really going to hurt?

I have also learned that when a battle is warranted, there are ways to get Bethany to do what I want her do besides having to force her to.  Sometimes “because I said so” is appropriate, but sometimes it is better to let her think that what I want her to do is either her idea or a fun thing.  And, with this girl, sometimes just a good old changing of the subject is just what we need to get her to obey willingly.

All of that being said, potty training is going very well!

When she refuses to go potty when I know she should at least try, I can usually comment on her pretty skirt or talk about what we are going to do after she goes potty and that will be just enough to pull her out of her refusal and she will bebop into the bathroom happily.  If she is sitting on the potty unwillingly and crying, I break out a Doc McStuffins book and start talking to her about the pictures, next thing I know, tinkle, tinkle.  These tactics are paying off.  She has only wet the bed once and has been sleeping panties for about 3 weeks.  She rarely has pee accidents during the day anymore and she has started actually telling us she needs to go potty.

Now poo, that is a different subject.  She is still figuring that one out, as are we.  I have started to notice her signs when she needs to go.  The wandering off quietly to a corner, the getting really quiet and staring off into space are all things that I try to be on the lookout for.  Honestly, she has poo’d in her panties more times than she has in the toilet.  It’s especially fun when it’s at the toy store or the grocery store, but I know she is trying.  So I try not to get upset when I am squatted down in front of her in a tight stall trying to clean up poopy legs and bottom while trying not to touch the floor or toilet. 

Fun times.

I am really looking forward to the days when potty accidents are in the past.  So for now, I will just continue to enjoy the cuteness that is a two year little girl running around in her undies with a slight wedgie. 


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