Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Potty Saga

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: When Bethany was born, we knew she would be different.  She has had a fire in her eyes since she first opened them.  She is quirky, silly, smart, hilarious, head strong, adorable and does everything her own way.  Always has. Always will. 

And I love that about her!

I would not want her to be any different than she is right now.  Exactly the way God made her.

Because of her head strong, self assured ways, potty training is proving to be quite the, what’s the word?, challenge.  Physically, this girl is ready.  Her diaper is dry after naps and after a 12 hour night of sleep.  It’s crazy how ready her bladder is!  But mentally, the girl is in “I’ll do it when I want to do it” mode. 

At first I thought it was because she was afraid of the toilet.  I set her on it one time and forgot to put the little toilet seat insert in first.  She thought she was going to fall in.  She wouldn’t touch the toilet for a long time after.  So, being the resourceful mom that I am, I took her to the store and let her pick out her very own potty thinking if I made it her own, she would be totally into it.  She chose a pink princess potty that sings a song when she pees on the little sensors.  (If she only knew that Josh and Hannah never would have had this treatment, maybe she would sing a different tune.  Bethany, not the potty.  They had to use the same, boring Elmo toilet seat insert, not their very own special potty.)  It was a novelty for about one day.




See how happy she was.

So for a few weeks we just kind of dabbled in the whole potty training business.  She sat on it when she felt like it (which was almost never) but she wore diapers all the time.  Well, her diapers are getting stinkier and it is becoming way more difficult to change them knowing that she is at potty training age, so Shad and I said “enough!”  This weekend was it.  Bethany is going to get potty trained.  Even if it is for our own selfish desire to not have to wipe her stinky buns anymore.

Sadly, as soon as Bethany realized that sitting on the potty is not just a fun novelty anymore we entered the flat-out-refuse-I’m-going-kicking-and-screaming phase of potty training.  Little did she know that her mom invented stubborn, so Mom is going to win this fight. 

Here is just a glimpse into the shear will of our sweet Bethany.  At about 12:30 yesterday, she had the universal sign for “I need to go potty.”  You all know it.  So I grabbed her and ran her to her potty.  She had just a tiny wet spot in her panties when she sat down.  My sweet little girl sat on the potty for 15 minutes and DID. NOT. PEE!  Not one drop in her potty.  When I put her on the potty, she could barely hold it.  But as soon as her buns hit the potty, she decided that Mommy was making her go potty, so she turned it off.  I do not know how it is possible, but she did it.  By then I needed a break, so I put her in a diaper and put her down for a nap.  Get this, 3 hours later she got up and was completely dry!!!  This girl must have a bladder of steel!

This time, she pretty willingly sat on the potty and, success!!  She went pee and made her potty sing a little song.  Josh, Hannah and I cheered, we gave high fives and hugs.  It was quite the celebration.  I even emailed Shad at work.  I really thought we were on to something.  Thirty minutes later, she peed in her pants. 


This morning was a new and wonderful experience.  When I went to get her out of bed, her diaper was dry and she was cheerful and huggy.  As we came down the stairs, I told her we were going to sit on the potty before waffle time.  She started to cry and tell me no.  Here’s the best part.  The part that makes me know, without a doubt, that this girl is ready to potty train.  She peed in her diaper before we made it to the bathroom.  Seriously!!

Oh, Bether-Boo’s, there is a reason God gave me you third.  He knew I needed some mommy experience under my belt before I got you.

To be continued…

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