Thursday, June 13, 2013


Like most of you, we have been really busy during these last couple of weeks of school.  We have 4 more half days and then the kids will be done with their 2012-2013 school year.  I will soon have a second grader and a third grader.  How that happened, I have no idea.  Josh and Hannah have had a lot of half days lately due to state cuts.  I have decided it is the school district’s way of easing me into having all 3 kids home all day long for the next 3 months.  Here is a picture update of what we have been up to the last 2 weeks:




Bethany has been super busy with her art work.  Oh, and she love bananas.


The girls and I had a girl’s day when Josh and Shad went fishing.  Per Hannah’s request we stopped for coffee (i.e. hot chocolate, water and coffee), went to the mall and shopped for a bathing suit for Hannah then had Mongolian Grill for lunch.  Fun times were had by all.


They are doing construction on the street behind our house, so I do a lot of this.  When I am coming from the other direction I can sit and stare at my house while I am sitting in line.  Shad informed me last night that the flagger can legally keep us waiting for up to 20 minutes.  Oh boy.

Last weekend I spent with the gals from the PTA.  We went away for a couple of days to plan out our programs for the upcoming year.  Last year at this time I was kicking myself for agreeing to be treasurer for the PTA.  This year I volunteered (as long as I had my super partner with me) and I am excited for the new school year.

Work has been super busy for Shad.  They have jobs ending, new jobs starting and they are bidding other work.  Needless to say that keeps him at work, physically and mentally, a lot.  I am not complaining.  It used to bother me, but now I am just thankful that he is willing to work so hard and I try to do my best to help and support him.

Yesterday I helped at the kids’ field day.  Let me just say that anyone that says they love to volunteer for field day is either lying, insane or maybe a little drunk.  By the end I was wet from rain and sweat, my arms were rubber from shaking that stinkin’ parachute for an hour and a half and my throat hurt from yelling at the kids to get out from under the parachute for an hour and a half.  But, since I am a glutton for punishment and I love my kids, I am thankful that I have an entire year to forget about it.

Finally, on a serious note, I officially HATE cancer!  This week I was informed by another very close friend that she has breast cancer.  I won’t say who it is because I don’t know if she wants that announced on the internet.  After she told me, I realized that I was MAD!  I am sick of people around me (and me!) getting caner.  Cancer can go to hell if you ask me.  If only.  To my friend, I love you and I am praying for full recovery.

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1 comment:

woosterweester said...

Favorite line was the one about field day! Haha! Love it. As for the sharpies in your life I feel ya.:) We've got a lot of body and wall art going on around here. Where do they find the markers? Just when I think I've put them out of reach...and I agree. Cancer is awful. God is bigger, and I am so glad I can look at your life and see that. But yeah, cancer still stinks. If we need to run another race, let me know. I'm there.:)

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