Thursday, November 1, 2012

4 The Love

Heartline Ministries is an amazing ministry in Port au Prince, Haiti.  They provide maternity, labor and delivery, and post delivery care up to six months to the women of Haiti.  And in doing this they provide education, support, love, advocacy and a safe place for them to deliver.  God is using Heartline to change the outcome of many lives in Haiti one delivery at a time.  You can meet some of the women currently enrolled in the program here.

In January of 2013, Barry McDonald, is going to do something huge.  He is going to run across the nation of Haiti (315 miles) in twelve days to try to raise money for Heartline to build a new, much bigger, maternity center.  You can watch the short video below to get a better idea of what he is doing.

I have decided to help with this event by running my own little (and I mean little) distance.  I want to do my part to help raise funds for the maternity center, so I am going to run a 5K in the month of January, 2013.  And Shad has said he will participate too!  So we are looking for anyone who wants to sponsor us by donating to the cause.  You will notice that there is a link you can click on in the upper left hand corner of this blog.  Please donate as little or as much as you would like.  Shad and I are not big runners and have never ran in any kind of event, but we both feel that this is definitely worth running for.  Really, this is just a minuscule fraction of a sacrifice considering that God sent His son to earth to die for the sins of the world.  Would you join with us as we run for the love of the moms, the love of the babies and, ultimately, the love of Jesus.

Thank you!

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1 comment:

Brazenlilly said...

I love this, Becky! Let me talk to Trent and see what we can donate! They are such an amazing minitry!

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