One year ago, today, this wrinkly little girl came into the world. From the day she was born we said two things: she looks like a little troll and she has a fire in her eyes. While she doesn't look quite as much like a troll anymore, that fire has gone from her eyes to her personality. Bethany is a spunky, sassy, sweet, determined, active little girl with a mind of her own. She does not like to be told what to do and she is not much of a snuggler, but the girl will entertain you with her cheesy grin and her ability to blow some major raspberries. Bethany has a sweet disposition and likes to babble. She is thoroughly entertained by her big brother and sister and wants to follow them all around the house. Sometimes I can't tell who loves her more, me or Josh and Hannah. When Daddy comes home from work, Bethany always has a smile for him and reaches her hand out to him. She's a daddy's girl for sure. She has always done things in her own timing and way. That is evidenced by the fact that she doesn't crawl, she scoots on her bottom. Why do it the conventional way when this one works so well? When you try to get her attention when she is doing something she shouldn't, she turns, smiles at you, then scoots away as fast as she can. She loves doors. I mean loves them. Open. Close. Open. Close. All the while blowing a raspberry here and there. We have been known to call her our crazy baby.
Happy first birthday, Bethany Annelore! You have brought so much sparkle into our lives. Mom, Dad, Josh and Hannah love you so much and are so thankful that God put you in our family. Laney would be, too, if you didn't spend so much time tormenting her. We look forward to seeing you grow into a little girl and how God is going to use your spunk for His glory. We love you, Bether Boo!

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