Hannah finally started feeling well enough to let me take her picture, so I added some at the bottom of this post.
Just when I thought last week was strange and crazy, this week started. Holy moly. I'm not sure how to explain it all, so I am just going to make a list of the craziness, beginning with last Tuesday:
-I got the news about the lymphoma.
-Spent the rest of the day in shock.
-I made an appointment to see an oncologist.
-Hannah started having a runny nose.
-We woke to a snow day, no school.
-I got the call that my blood work and chest x-ray were clear.
-I cried and thanked God!
-We played in the snow while it rained.
-Josh stayed out all day and was soaked to the bone.
- I was a nervous wreck waiting to see the oncologist.
-Took Bethany grocery shopping.
-Saw the oncologist and had my mind put at ease about the lymphoma.
-Waiting to hear from radiation/oncologist to make a treatment plan.
-I called my dad and told him about the lymphoma.
-I was thankful when my dad volunteered to call all of my family and tell them the news.
-Hannah still has a snotty nose and cough.
-I was reminded at the bus stop about the candle party.
-I decided that I would go to the candle party to try to feel normal.
-Shad told me to go and not worry about dinner, I deserved the night off.
-I wrote the blog post about the lymphoma and posted it.
-Hannah and I went to my neighbor's house for her candle party.
-It felt good to do something normal.
-I got a phone call and 2 texts while at the party regarding my blog post.
-I felt desperate to get home before I cried at the party.
-I was absolutely overwhelmed by all the Facebook comments, blog comments, texts and phone calls wishing me well, offering prayer and help/support. (I'm still feeling overwhelmed by all the love!! Thank you!)
-Hannah still has a snotty nose.
-Quiet day at home.
-Hannah started complaining of a headache and her ears hurting, sporadically.
-Bethany has a snotty nose.
-Midday Bethany gets hot with a fever and starts to get cranky.
-We still load up the kids for dinner out at Outback.
-I feel like it's a celebratory dinner after the good oncology visit the day before.
-Bethany is grouchy and restless during dinner, but we still enjoy ourselves.
-Shad and I take turns being up half the night with a very grouchy, fussy Bether.
-We don't go to church due to a sick baby, sickish Hannah and no sleep the night before.
-Hannah continues to sporadically complain that her ears hurt.
-I debate about taking her to the doctor on Monday.
-Bethany is a grouch, snotty and feverish.
-We still manage to run some errands.
-Shad changes the internal hardware of two of the toilets in the house.
-Shad and I take turns being up half the night with a very grouchy, fussy Bether.
-Bethany is still a grouch with a fever and snotty nose, but is more pleasant than Sunday.
-Hannah fails to convince me that she has an ear infection with the inconsistency of her complaining.
-I decide not to take the girls to the doctor.
-We decide to make the trip down south to attend a potluck with our old bible study group.
-We had a great time at the potluck and loved seeing all of our old friends.
-We both rode home feeling a little sad that we moved.
-We get home late and go to bed late.
-I am up until about 3 AM with a very cranky, coughing, snotty Bethany.
-Shad gets Josh off to school and lets me sleep in. (I love that man!)
-Hannah and I sleep in until 9:45.
-Bethany sleeps until 10:30 and wakes up with an encrusted nose, coughing and cranky.
-I make an appointment to take Bethany to the doctor.
-Hannah goes to school.
-I get a call from a wonderful friend, Aimee.
-While talking to Aimee, I get another call.
- I get off the phone with Aimee, thinking it was the radiation/oncologist calling to schedule my consultation.
-Turned out to be Hannah's school calling to say that Hannah was running, tripped and went face first into a desk and had loose teeth and a fat lip.
-I wake Bethany from her nap, pick up Hannah and take Bethany to her doctor appointment.
-Bethany's lungs and ears are clear, it's just a bad cold.
-I am relieved that Bethany is not really sick, but kind of wish her sickness warranted antibiotics so we could get some sleep at night.
-I make an appointment for Hannah to see a dentist tomorrow.
-Bethany doesn't get a fever for the first time since Saturday.
-We make Hannah's zoo animal diorama for school.
-Hannah goes to bed with a split in her gums and 3 loose front, top teeth, but feels good.
-Bethany only wakes once for a bottle and sleeps all the rest of the night. (Thank God!!)
-We take Josh to the bus stop.
-Bethany wakes up with an encrusted nose again.
-After loading her up on Tylenol and Ibuprofen and making her mad by cleaning off all the dried snot, Bethany is a little less grouchy.
-We take Hannah to the dentist.
-I watch Tangled in the waiting room while the dentist examines Hannah.
-I get a tittle teary when Rapunzel cries because she thinks Eugene left her on the island.
-They take me back and show me Hannah's x-rays.
-They tell me Hannah needs her 2 front teeth pulled and that she actually broke bone when she fell.
-My eyes got really big.
-The dentist assures me that it is not as bad as it sounds and that it should heal just fine.
-I go back to the waiting room and watch Mother Gothel fall to her doom.
-I finally just give up and let Bethany scoot around on the floor in the waiting room because she is climbing on me like a maniac.
-Hannah gets her first dose of laughing gas and gets her teeth extracted.
-Hannah did awesome and got a wand for being so brave.
-We stop to see Shad at work to show him her teeth.
-Shad is grossed out when I tell him she broke some bone.
-Hannah starts to feel puny, so we go home.
-Bethany throws her bottle on the floor after only eating one ounce.
-I put Bethany to bed.
-Hannah and I sit on the couch and watch a Barbie movie.
-I sing along to the movie.
-Hannah looks at me funny.
-We pick Josh up at the bus stop early because it's a half day.
-We eat lunch.
-Hannah scarfs the mac and cheese.
-Hannah perks up and is now playing in the pack n play.
-Bethany is still napping.
-I start writing this post.
It looks pretty yucky in there, but once it heals, she's going to be so cute!
You know if she's laying on me she's sick.
Poor little mouth breather. So pathetic.
She's trying to be happy.
The End

Haha! Well, it's not all good news, but i do love this post. You'll remember this week for a long, long time. Thanks for the update on how you felt about Mother Gothel. ;) I can't believe Hannah's teeth had to be extracted! Pics? Hang in there, friend. You are hard-pressed on every side, but NOT CRUSHED!
I'm exausted! Poor Hannah! I'll pray for some rest for ALL of you!
Love you, Kat
I am so sorry!! Cason had to have his teeth extracted too. It was awful. He didn't handle it well at all. Probably one of the most traumatic times of his (my) life. I know that feeling, like these things will never end. I seem to go through peaks and valleys. The valleys are soooo awful. But then I look back and feel like, Wow I can't believe I survived that. I knew that it was a spiritual "growing spurt" in my life. It's painful, agonizing and exhausting but strengthening as well. I will pray for you and for a break to re-energize you for whatever else there is to come. <3 Lots of love..
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