When ever Shad goes out of town, I like to get caught up on watching movies that I wanted to see, but I know he would not enjoy. So last weekend I rented two movies and enjoyed watching them curled up on the couch, in a quiet house, after I put the kids to bed.
One of the movies I watched was Soul Surfer. It's based on the true story about Bethany Hamilton, a 13 year old girl that lived on the North Shore of Kauai and liked to surf. On the day before Halloween in 2003 she was attacked by a shark and her arm was bitten off. But that is only the beginning of the story. What the movie is really about is how Bethany took this event in her life and used it for God's glory. It is so amazing to see such a young girl handle something like being attacked by a shark and losing an appendage so maturely. I know these "based on a true story" movies have a tendency to over exaggerate, but there is a documentary in the extras on the DVD and it appears that the movie was made fairly accurately. Her family was on the set every day, so they made sure the story was done right. That being said, I feel like I was told the story honestly and that Bethany (in real life) really did handle this horrific incident with true grace.
The movie also shows her determination. 3 weeks after the attack she got back in the water to surf and wouldn't let anyone help her. She didn't give up, she adapted her surfing style and her body to become a professional surfer.
I found her story inspiring and I am kind of surprised that I am saying that. I wanted to see the movie but was pretty sure it would be cheesy and melodramatic. Well, it kind of was. (Side note: You can also tell it was Carrie Underwood's first movie by her acting.) But once you get past that you can't help but be inspired. Bethany has touched a lot of lives since her attack and uses her experience to teach others about Jesus Christ.
I was also inspired to start working a little harder at getting in shape. Watching Bethany get strong enough to competitively surf with only one arm was amazing. That whole Bethany building her strength montage was humbling. I have a hard time making myself walk laps for 30 minutes, let alone actually run. I know this sounds cliche, but if she can professionally surf with one arm, then I can run around the house for 30 minutes 4 times a week. I guess you could say I was motivated to get my rear in gear.
I'm not a movie reviewer, but I wanted to share this one. The story is moving, her life is inspiring and the surf scenes are awesome. And just as good, or even better than the movie, is the documentary in the extras. It's Bethany, her family and friends telling the same story that the movie tells. If you're going to watch the movie then you need to watch the documentary too. I am considering showing it to my kids. I think, Josh especially, will be impacted by her story. Mostly because he is very prone to quitting things when they get too hard or he gets hurt. He still won't get back on his dirt bike after his little crash this summer. So watch the movie, watch the documentary. I think you'll be moved too.

P.S. There won't be a What I Wore Wednesday tomorrow. I have been so busy changing poopy diapers this week that I just couldn't get it together. See ya next week for that.

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