Her poop problems are back. No blood in the stool this time, but I am changing a liquidy to mushy diaper about 4-5 times a day. It started last Thursday. Her poor little bottom is a mess, but it is getting better now. She doesn't scream every time I wipe it, like she was. Mostly I am frustrated because now I am thinking that she is having allergic problems with the solid foods I have been giving her. Of course, my mom brain is analyzing, but my nurse brain has kicked into high gear. I started a feeding/diaper changing log today to see if they are related. It's totally normal for a mom to note the consistency, color, graininess and size of her daughter's poops, right? I was thinking about making a spread sheet, but decided it would be too much work, and the doctor might think I'm really weird.
Speaking of the doctor, Bethany has an appointment to see him on Wednesday. I was already planning to head down to our old church for Mom2Mom because the kids have the day off from school, so it works out well. I am guessing she is allergic to more than just milk protein and that is causing the diarrhea, but who knows. I am going into this one trusting that God is in control and have made a conscience decision not to panic. So that is why I am writing it all out here. If I don't share it out loud my mind will go to places that I don't want it to go. I just ask all of you, my friends and family, to be praying for my mental sanity and for Bethany. If it's His will to just take it all away, wonderful, but mostly I don't want her to be uncomfortable. And just for strength to get through this, again. Thank you and I will update you all when I know more.
By the way, did I mention that this only happens when Shad is out of town? Yes, both times.

Booo! I'm so sorry for you and Bethie. Glad you have a reason to come down on Wednesday. :) Carson will be bummed he doesn't get to see J & H.
Oh darn it Beck- I thought she was done with all that. Definitely will keep you & Bethany in my prayers. And yes, talk it out, write it out. I really love getting everyone's thoughts and advice on difficulties going on in our lives and minds! It helps :o) Love you guys!
Praying it is absolutely nothing and your mind and heart are in total peace about it even before you hear the doctor say, "It's nothing to worry about." I think it is such a gift that you are a nurse as well (though you probably don't in situations like these). Your kids are blessed to have a caring mama with such a wealth of knowledge! Hang in there and let us know how it all goes.
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