So, yes, Shad I do need structure, I can't just blame it on the kids. And I realize that there is nothing wrong with that. God made men and women different for a reason. Could you imagine how crazy life would be if we both wanted adventures all the time? Or how boring it would be if we had to be structured and scheduled all day every day? So I am no longer feeling defensive about my need for structure. I am embracing it. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Oh there I go getting defensive again.
Anyway, I am really enjoying our new normal around here. It gives me peace and, hopefully, a lot less butt and belly fat. After I get Josh off to first grade on the bus, I get Hannah and Bethany settled in with cartoons and toys, then I do my laps. I'm not sure how many I do around the one and one thirds acre lot, but I've been going 1.5 to 2 miles in thirty minutes. I downloaded this really cool app on my phone with a pedometer, but it also goes off of GPS and keeps track of my daily routine. It is so cool. I love technology.
By the time I get back in the house Bethany stinks like no body's business. So it's a diaper change then off to a nap. After I get cleaned up, Hannah and I have lunch then head out to PM kindergarten. I will start volunteering in her class as soon as her teacher gets her daily routine down. But until then, I come straight home to a quiet house where it's time for (dun da da daaaaah) mommy's quiet time. Bethany is ready for her afternoon nap so it's me, all alone. It's my God/Facebook/Blogger time. Wonderful! This magical time lasts about two hours until the 3:48 bus pulls up. Then it's back to reality: snacks, fighting, play time, fighting, getting ready for dinner, deal with fussy baby, feed fussy baby, fighting, hope Shad is home in time for dinner, eat dinner, play, showers, bedtime routine...tell Josh to go to bed for the third time, alone time with Shad, a little TV, then bed.
And so, as I sit here enjoying my first of the season pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks, I am basking in the joy of structure and routine. And, Shad, when you read this, I hope it gives you a little insight into why I got defensive about needing structure. And I hope you will forgive me for getting uppity about it, too.

Hallelujah for the new normal!! You deserve some well-earned mama time...and pumpkin spice lattes are proof that there is a God.:)
Amen to that, Rory!
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