Hannah loves Beffer Beffers (that's what she has always called her, those "th's" are hard to say). She wants to kiss her, hug her, dress like her and even pose like her for pictures.
Notice how they are wearing the same pants. The only reason their tops aren't the same is because they didn't have the same top in Hannah's size. I know, we looked. I had to promise Hannah that we would make a trip to the Carter's outlet to see if we can find a couple of outfits for the girls that match. If I dress Bethany after Hannah is already dressed, she will go back to her room and try to put together an outfit that is similar. I usually try to make Bethany match Hannah, it makes her so happy.
(Notice the flowers?)
Hannah is also my unofficial babysitter. If Bethany cries, she runs through the house looking for a pacifier. When I set Bethie on the floor, Hannah runs in the other room and comes back with an arm full of toys for her.
They are quite the pair, those two. I hope that it continues. In about 5 years, when Bethany wants to do everything Hannah does and wear the same clothes. I guess when Hannah starts complaining about her pesky little sister, I'll have to show her this blog post.

Hannah is such a sweet girl! Love the photos! Kat
Oh my goodness! That is so, so sweet. And let me know when you are coming down to the Carter's outlet. ;) You can come 14 minutes further for a playdate!
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