But I have to be honest here and admit that I owe him an apology. Because he is the overseer of all the projects and getting a project is not easy right now (due to the economy), all their current projects are an hour to six hours away from home. That means he has been gone at least one night a week for the last few weeks. And because of all his new responsibilities, he has been very consumed with work lately. Therefore, I have to admit, I have been a little annoyed with all of it. Annoyed that he can't just leave work when I want him to so he can get home at a decent time. Annoyed that he has to go out of town and miss the Father's Day party at Josh's class. Annoyed that I have to be the one putting the kids to bed every night. Annoyed that when he is home he might be a little distracted thinking about all the things he needs to get done at work or projects around the house. Annoyed that we will most likely have to move to be closer to his work so he doesn't spend 3 hours a day just driving to and from his work office. Just annoyed with it all.
Oh my goodness do I owe him an apology.
I'm sorry.
I am just fine here at home with the kids. We have had much more difficult times with his work. When Hannah was born Shad only came home on the weekends (did I mention Josh was 20 months old then?) because he worked 2 hours away. If we do move it's only an hour away from here, not all the way on the other side of the state like when we lived in the desert. Shad has allowed God to change his whole attitude towards work, so that while he may be a little distracted by it, I know that it will be short lived. Six or seven years ago, I almost couldn't even have a conversation with him because work was all he could think about. No, I really have nothing to complain about.
I am so proud of Shad for how hard he has worked to get to this point in his job. And I am so sorry for focusing on the hard parts and not being thankful for it all. Thank you God for this promotion, for Shad and what an amazing man he is and for giving me the strength (and perspective) to be the wife and mother you want me to be.

If it makes you feel any better, John hasn't been home before 8 or 9pm in the last few weeks either. It stinks but at least we're stay at home moms and not holding down our own full time jobs. It can always be worse, huh? :)
We are proud of Shad too and you! You are both amazing people and Ralf and I blessed to have you as friends! Can't wait to see you...whenever that might be!
But can I still be annoyed about the move, since Shad is not my husband?
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