Life has been nothing but crazy busy lately, hence the very infrequent blog posts. So much is going on in our household. Let's see, where to begin? I guess I'll start with (see, in the time it has taken me to upload pictures and write this much I have had to rock a sick, cranky baby to sleep, fix a loose training wheel on Hannah's bike and yell at Josh for riding her bike and causing the training wheel to come loose.) the kids' track meet at school.
They ran...
and ran.
And, of course, I had to be there to take pictures and for moral support. Shad came too because he was making up for having to be out of town for Josh's Father's Day party at school which caused us to have to find a replacement for him. My father-in-law and grandpa-in-law saved the day on that one, but it was touch and go there for awhile.
Bethany has found her tongue...
which is SUPER cute.
Last Thursday we took a field trip to the zoo with Josh's class.
(Ya, I took all three kids by myself.)
Shad has been so busy at work. Some days he comes home, some days he has to drive out of town and stay the night. He has had a lot of late nights and even worked on Saturday for a few hours just to be able to work without the phone ringing. So I've been on my own with the kids frequently. We're planning a week long camping trip in July and a visit to the desert mid-June. We are also trying to set aside time to spend with other friends and our families. My sister-in-law had a baby on Friday. My brother is moving this weekend. There's a kindergarten party on Friday, the preschool BBQ on Monday and kindergarten graduation Monday night. Last week Hannah had a cough, runny nose and fever and I started Josh on Claratin because he has a drippy nose and keeps rubbing his eyes. He has also started walking around (more than usual) holding himself like he has to pee, so I have to keep reminding him to "let it go!" And, since it is nearly impossible to keep Hannah out of Bethany's face, Bethany has a snotty nose and cough today. Needless to say she is not her usual sweet, independent self today. Oh ya, the dirty stroller finally got to me, so I just had to tear it apart and wash it.
And through all of this we have been making BIG decisions for our family. We keep saying "if we move" and "we're probably going to have to move," but tomorrow I am sending off the paperwork and check to get the kids registered for school. Pretty much it's been decided. We are moving. See, Shad spends, on average, three hours a day driving to and from work. It's just getting to be way too much for all of us. He's so tired from work, then has to spend an hour and a half driving home. And I'm tired from being home alone with the kids all day. Needless to say, we're both a little distracted and cranky. Something has got to give. So after much talking and praying, we've pretty much decided we need to move closer to his work. We are both very sad about this decision, but we both know it is best for our family. Last week, after our trip to the zoo, we toured a school and looked at a house. We both liked the school and the kids seemed comfortable, so that is where we will send them. The house we looked at is Shad's old boss's house. He retired at the end of 2010 and is taking his wife and two kids to live on their sail boat for a couple of years. As soon as I saw the jacuzzi tub and walk-in closet in the master suit, I was sold! And Josh and Hannah could not resist the play house and swings in the back yard. Shad, however, was not sold on the rent and crazy amounts of lawn that will need to be mowed, but I think he's coming around.
Side note: I had to walk away from this post to ask Hannah and her friends not to pick the flowers on the rhododendron (for the nine millionth time), then Bethany woke up and just spent the last thirty minutes crying for no reason. I finally had to just put her in her crib to cry it out. So there goes my plan for the seven course prime rib dinner for tonight. Bethany is quiet now, in case you were wondering.
I feel like this post has turned into a whine fest. Ya, it has. Mostly I just wanted to let you know why I haven't been writing much lately. Now I'm off to get stared on that macaroni and cheese dinner.
You hear that?
Bethany's awake.

I know we don't know each other that well, but oh how I love you.:) I COMPLETELY understand feeling tired, cranky, and distracted. It is REALLY hard to do solo parenting. Really hard. Did I mention it is hard? Even when Lee is home he has so much work to do that he has to fit it into every hour of the night, and I can totally relate to feeling exhausted with schedules. I don't think you sound like a whiner at all. I think when you stay at home by yourself a lot you need to be able to have an outlet. It doesn't mean you don't absolutely loving having your kids. It means that the daily grind takes its toll, that's all. Hang in there. Life is about to get better, one jacuzzi tub session at a time.:)
2 more weeks and you can soak in my hot tub!
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