After reading this post last night, Shad has informed me that, indeed, it is all my fault.
I have created a monster.

Maybe it's because I have always dressed her in frilly clothes for Christmas,

and Easter.

Maybe it's because I put tiny clips in her hair before she had any.

Maybe it's because I dressed her like an angel.

It couldn't be the frilly dresses.

Maybe it's because I have always loved playing with her hair,

then made sure to photograph it.

But this girl loves shoes, hats and

all things pretty and frilly.

Maybe it's the faux fur leopard print vest she got for Christmas or

the pink, jeweled cowboy boots.

But this girls knows that denim, black, brown and khaki are neutrals.

And she knows how to properly apply lip gloss.

She knows how to look glamorous too.

She even knows how to finagle herself into a picture Mom is taking of herself.
So is it my fault? Did I do it to her? Is it my fault that this girl throws a fit because she can't find purple shoes to match her purple outfit? Is it because of me that I found her sitting on the floor of our camp trailer pouting with her socks thrown around the trailer because she didn't think her rain boots matched them? Is it my fault that I had to explain to her that her preschool paint shirt is
supposed to be too big? Am I the one that starts the arguments about what she should wear each day? I don't know...maybe it is my fault.

She is adorable and I think it is okay for her to want to look pretty and play dress up and e a girl. I look forward to those days with my daughter now 16 months old who still pulls out her ponytail when she feels like it!
No matter the case I will cherish every moment.
Blessings & Giggles
Yeah, it's your fault! lol She is just so cute, though!
Hahaha! I don't think it's anyone's "fault" but it sure is hilarious! She is adorable and with your family she'll learn how to rock her pink jeweled cowboy boots with an orange and camo hunting outfit. Love you both!
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