Monday, July 12, 2010

July 13th, 1996

To celebrate our 14th anniversary, Shad and I spent the weekend at the coast. What a wonderful weekend it was. We left on Friday with both of us feeling under the weather. For me it was a bad pregnancy day (Phenergan made it worse, won't take it again) and for Shad it may have been something he ate. But we dragged ourselves off the couch, dropped the kids off at Grandma and Grandpa's and headed over. By the time we arrive we were both feeling a little better. God is merciful.
It was a weekend of sleeping in, TV in bed, good sea food, naps, sitting on the beach, AMAZING conversations and just the two of us, alone. We both agreed that it was one of our best trips away, ever!

Shad and I both agree that there are not a lot of pics of me in our library, so he took a few of me. I'm ok with this one because Shad explained to me how beautiful I look to him.

Thank you God for this husband you have blessed me with. And thank you Shad for being the husband God wants you to be. Every year it just gets better and better.

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Brazenlilly said...

Amen! You do look beautiful and I'm so happy for both of you. These days, 14 years is a HUGE accomplishment! Glad you had a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

So glad you had a great time! Can't wait to see you guys Thursday!

woosterweester said...

I second Jen's thoughts--14 years is a big deal! Way to set an example in commitment and love to one another. And what a present--a new baby to commemorate #14! Congrats!! Hope you are continuing to feel better and better!!!

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