Josh's school was having a penny drive. Kids brought pennies to their class and whichever grade had the most won an ice cream party. The trick was that for every silver or paper money that was in their jar that many pennies were taken from the class's total. So kids were running around putting them in the rival classes jars. Great way raise money for the school.
Since I wanted Josh's class to win I got this really great idea. I would dump all the change I had in my change jar on the floor and let the kids pick out all the pennies.
Now for the stupid mom moment. "OK you two, keep picking out the pennies, you're doing a great job. I'm going to go take a shower now."
As I am drying off in the bathroom, Hannah comes in and is looking very distraught. "Mom, we made it rain and now Josh won't help pick up."
Stupid, Mom, stupid. How could you not know that a 3 year old and 5 year old would get very bored of sorting change and decide it would be much more fun to throw it in the air?
Lesson learned...
Ha ha ha! Oh how I have been that stupid mom before! Thank goodness they didn't think past coins for their rain storm.:) got me thinking about ice cream now...
ha ha! hey Becky it's Shannan from M2M.
Just think of it this way - it's your own personal treasure hunt for the next few months. If you ever get bored, you can just hunt for silver and gold in your living room :)
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