Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Hour

It happens every day. That time. The one between nap time and the husband getting home. That time where the snack is sacred and Mom is so ready for bedtime to come, but she still has to cook dinner, eat it, put the kids to bed, spend some quality time catching up with said husband, watch some quality TV (come on , it is season finale night on NBC), then finally hit the that she can get back up in the morning and do it all over again.

It's the same most evenings.

Hannah coloring at the table, in her swim suit (that she napped in)...

...with some crazy bed hair.

Josh on the couch watching an episode of Wow Wow Wubzy for the nine millionth time because they only seem to show 3 different episodes, holding an axe.

And I am in the kitchen lovingly preparing a healthy dinner for my family to enjoy.

Come on white truck, where are you?

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