First of all, I wanted to share an amazing opportunity to give to
Heartline Ministries in Haiti. They are trying to raise $300,000 for rebuilding after all the devastation from the earthquake. You can go
here to donate and get more details. Thank you!
Now I have to bring up a subject that has been bothering me for awhile. I will warn you, I have a bit of a soap box about this subject, so I may rant. But it needs to be talked about.

You see that? That tiny white tag. The itchy one sewn into the seam of the undies. The one just to the right of the non-itchy, printed on tag? That useless one that they put in the waist band to drive little boys with a super, bionic sense of feel in their skin absolutely crazy! That's my problem! They say the undies are tag less on the packaging. Tag less, indeed. Where do the undie manufacturers get off telling me that these adorable Wall-E undies are tag less when there is clearly a tag, right there, just to the right of the tag less tag?! Do they think I am stupid? That because they printed
most of the tag in an itch-free way that I wouldn't notice the other one...the
TAG? Well, of course I notice. I notice every time I look at my boy because he is scratching like mad, right in the exact spot that the little tag is attached to his undies. I notice when he takes them off and he has bloody scratch marks on his waist. (Did I mention he has a super-bionic sense of feeling in his skin? Seriously, he has scars on the back of his neck and his waste band from scratching at itchy tags.)
What's that you say? Just cut the tag out? Oh sure, I'll cut the tag out! Oh, but look, the tag has been sewn into the waist band which leaves just enough of it behind to drive my poor boy crazy with the itching. The only thing left to do after spending $8 on 5 pairs of undies is to get out my fancy seam ripping scissors and meticulously cut every bit of that tag out of the seam without actually removing the seam, which would leave a hole in the waste of his undies. Which would drive ME crazy!
Tag less? Ya, right!
hahaha so true! They do that on shirts too! I bought a 'tagless' shirt because I hate the tags to but when I got home I noticed on the left side of the shirt there was a tag sewn into the inner seam! dumb dumb dumb
Ooooh! I so understand!! Love rants like this cause they give me a much needed giggle.:)
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