Today she asked several questions that made me have to really dig deep to come up with honest answers. So much so that my first instinct was to just walk away. Here they are:
When do you feel happiest?
When Shad is by my side.
How do you take care of yourself?
Physically: Group Power, Group Kick and Running on the treadmill.
Spiritually: me, my Bible and my God
Mentally: Girl's nights, shopping (aka therapy), blogging, play dates
Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
I am pretty motivated by what others think of me, or what I think others think of me.
What do you do for fun?
I love being outdoors with Shad and the kids.
What intimidates you?
I'm going to be brutally honest here, and I had to think for a long time about this one. What intimidates me? The power of the Holy Spirit.
What is something you are proud of?
I can run! Never thought I would be able to due to lack of desire and self motivation (ie laziness), but I can.
Finish this sentence. I never _____________.
...want to be the person I was before we lived in the desert.
Favorite vacation spot.
I do love when Shad and I take the kids on road trips, but I can't wait to go to Maui with just Shad. Come on July 2011!
Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).
It's been a day of mixed emotions. I am excited to leave for the beach tonight, but I have an issue weighing HEAVY on my mind and heart. Gonna give it a 5.
Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know _____________.
I am completely grossed out by snakes, I'm afraid to climb a ladder, I would choose a salty snack over anything sweet, I miss being a nurse, I love being home with my kids, I love love love being my husband's helper and partner, I look forward to Mom 2 Mom each week, I love all my mommy girlfriends and need to see one or all of them at least once a week, I am a Target junkie, I wish I could be a Nordstrom junkie, I'm a little insecure but am learning not to be, I don't want people to know that I worry about stuff, sometimes I yell at my kids.
How would you answer these questions? And, was it hard for you to come up with honest answers?
Now, I am off to the coast for a much needed weekend away with some girlfriends. We'll talk on Monday. Have a great weekend!
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