Thursday, February 25, 2010


What do you do when your son's preschool teacher has is out for you? Maybe she just thinks I am one of those soccer moms who is creative. I mean I do drive an SUV and drop Josh off in my work out clothes. But, seriously, I am not that mom! I am not one of those creative moms that can just whip out a costume for the school play or 10 dozen cookies for the school bake sale. I don't even scrapbook! It's just not me. So what do I do when I get a letter saying it is my turn to bring the Friday class snack that begins with the letter of the week and that letter is "Q"? (I wouldn't think that she had it out for me, except last time it was my turn I got the letter "E". I don't know any 5 year old that gets excited about eggs for snack!) Well, I'll tell you what you go deep down inside yourself and pull out that creative soccer mom. You know, the one that heads up the carpool and brings snacks to all the PTA meetings. You go to the store and you find some 5 year old friendly ingredients and put together something creative and give it a name that starts with the letter of the week.

Here's what you will need.

Open up the pie crust and place on a greased cookie sheet, poke some holes in it with a fork so it doesn't puff up, and bake at 450 degrees for about 8 minutes.

Then do the same thing with the second crust and let them cool.

Slather the top of one crust with as much marshmallow creme as possible. About enough to get the kids bouncing off the walls from the sugar high.

Definitely DO NOT drag the spatula through your teeth...well, until you are completely done spreading the yummy deliciousness.

Next heat up some Nutella in the microwave until it is drizzlable, then drizzle it over the marshmallow creme.

Flip the second crust over and place it on top of the gooey goodness.
After you slice it like a pizza, take it to your son's class, hand it to the teacher and say,
"Here's the ooey, gooey Quesadilla for snack. I bet you didn't think I could do it. Ya, bring on the "X"!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Not creative? I don't buy that excuse anymore!(not that I did anyway) lol
Love ya, Kat

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