Sunday, November 22, 2009

Blessed Again

So it happened again, but this time it was Josh and I didn't get to walk him through it. But it's just fine because it happened and now my little boy is saved! On Friday night Josh got up out of bed (which he does frequently) but this time it wasn't to tell me he couldn't fall asleep. He came out to tell me that he had just prayed and asked God to come live in his heart! Again, I was brought to tears, just like when Hannah said the prayer along with me. I knew Joshua would do it on his own accord because that is just the kind of kid he is.

I am just so blessed to be the mom to my kids and it just warms my heart to know that I will spend eternity with both of them. Now I will just continue to pray that they will choose a life waking with God. A mom couldn't be happier!


Brazenlilly said...

STOP IT! I'm all choked up here. Praise the Lord for a special kid who's being raised to walk with Him. Congratulations, Josh!

The Hansens said...

That is so awesome! The first time Jarekah folded her arms and prayed with me, I was beyond joy!

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