Friday, March 27, 2015

Surprise Conversation

It only took a mere moment for the question to be asked.  Shad and I stared at each other across the table, each willing the other to speak first:

Josh: I was reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid and he said that he tries to avoid teenagers because he doesn’t want to catch puberty.  What does puberty mean?

Shad was the first to speak:

Shad: It’s when you start to grow hair in your armpits.

Josh and Hannah start giggling.

Me: And on your legs.

Hannah (thinking she’s so smart): Except I won’t grow hair in my arm pits!

Me: Uh, yes you will.

Hannah:  WHAT?!

Josh: laughing and pointing at Hannah

Me (always the one to take it a little farther, looks Hannah in the eye): You will also grow hair in other places.

Hannah stares at me blankly, then her eyes light up and she covers her mouth, turns beet red and laughs uncontrollably as she figures out just where I mean.  Shad and I lose it at this point because we are so pleased that we embarrassed her. 

Me: (once I regain my composure, to Hannah): It also means you will stop thinking boys are gross and thinking that they are cute.

Hannah: No I won’t!  Boys ARE gross!

Shad and I look at each other relieved to hear this proclamation.  Phew!  We still have some time.

Josh:  Sitting there seemingly smug that we embarrassed Hannah.

Shad: (to Josh) It also means that you will start thinking that girls are cute.

Josh: (at this point is walking out of the room for no apparent reason.  This is not uncommon as he is a restless boy.): Yup!

Shad and I look at each other and are, once again, feeling confirmed that our suspicions are correct.  That, after listening to him complain about the same girl for the last several weeks, it has already begun.


Oh boy!

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