Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Haiti, Day 5

We painted.  Literally, all day, we painted.  More specifically, we put two coats of white primer on the walls of the Women's Education Center at the "OK".  The "OK" is the main Heartline property that houses the Women's Education Center, the Men's Discipleship program, the bakery that the men learn to bake at and the school where the Heartline missionary kids are taught at.  The property was formerly a southern BBQ restaurant that John McHoul frequented.  The story goes that after the earthquake the restaurant went out of business and the owner asked John if he would buy it.  Thankfully, God provided the funds to do this.  And, in the last year Heartline has had the opportunity to start building new maternity center here, which is so exciting!  I have to say that simply putting primer on the walls of the Women's Education Center was so rewarding and quite humbling.  The fact that Shad and I are actually here, in Haiti, painting a building at Heartline, it just blows my mind!  God has been preparing us for this day of painting in Haiti for the last 5 years and here we are doing it.  And you know what else?  The Haitian ladies that work in that building were so excited to see the paint going up.  They were taking pictures on their phones of us painting and one of them asked to use a paintbrush, just to see what it was like.  She giggled and giggled.  I was exhuasted and sweaty by the time we finished, but also felt so fulfilled.

After we finished painting, we got to do some shopping.  We went to a place called the "Tin Market".  There are several small shops lining the street on each side.  There are men that take 55 gallon drums and cut them apart, then they cut and pound the tin into amazing pieces of art.  I had so much fun there.  Shopping at it's finest.  I bougth 5 pieces and only spent $50!  And, I bartered each piece MYSELF!  Shad just followed me around to be my second opinion and to make sure I didn't buy anything too big.  We both could have stayed there longer than we did, but we were on a schedule and needed to head back to the guest house for dinner.

So that is our day in a nutshell.  I have so many more things to say about each day we have been here.  I have been only giving an over view of each day.  There are so many more stories and details for me to share, and I will.  By the time we have dinner, do our devotional, plan the following day and shower, it's late.  After we get home I will have the ability to upload the pitures and then be able to share all the details with you, and I cannot wait to do this.  But for now, Shad and I are decompressing by sitting on the couch, talking about our day and playing mindless games on our phones.  Phew.

1 comment:

woosterweester said...

Just caught up on your trip during nap time. So much to process for you guys! Praying it is amazing and can't wait to catch up when you are home.:)

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