-I took Bethany for her one year well child visit. The doctor said he thought her ears look a little red, but we thought it was because she was getting over a cold. She got five shots. She weighed 20 pounds 1 ounce and was 25 1/2 inches long.
-Bethany now has 2 teeth on the front bottom. She bites Cheerios and crackers with them. So cute.
-She started to act sick last Tuesday, a few days after her well child visit. She is now finishing antibiotics for one infected ear and one that was not far behind. She does not sleep well when she is sick. Josh and Hannah did.
-Shad has been busy at work. They have been bidding work like crazy and not getting any of it. It's been discouraging for him, his boss and the other bidder at work. He usually works into the night the night before a bid.
-Josh and Hannah are either getting along wonderfully or making each other cry.
-Josh's class did some short little plays for all the parents. His group did the Three Little Pigs. Josh was the wolf. He did an awesome job. I took a video of it. I didn't realize he was going to be on all fours. You can hear him in the video, but you can't see him. He made everyone laugh when he fell into the pot of hot water.
-Hannah has a little friend named Piper. She wants to do everything that Piper does.
-Hannah has a wonderful kindergarten teacher who loves God. She told me she's been praying for me.
-My friend, Debbie, asked me to go on a trip to San Diego with her in June to relax and shop. I most definitely said yes! We are also going to check out Sea World. I've never been.
-I got a message from Shad's aunt in California today asking if we had received anything from them in the mail lately. Turns out they sen the mystery package. It made me smile.
-I sent out invitations to my CAbi trunk show that I am having on April 14th. If you want to come and didn't get an email, leave me a comment and I'll get you the details.
-I made my CAbi trunk show menu: Mini Caprese Bites, Crispy Edamame and Tomato and Goat Cheese Tarts. All recipes from Pinterest. Want to come now??
-I bought another new pair of jeans today.
-We gave the dog a bath on Saturday. It loosened up all her under coat. Needless to say, Bethany is covered in dog hair 5 minutes after I vacuum and sweep.
-Josh has been practicing jump roping. They are doing a jump for the American Heart Association. He is very excited for it.
-My good friend, Maria, is come to stay Thursday and Friday night this week. We're going roller skating on Thursday night. I'm excited!
-It has been so nice to not worry about doing my workout in the mornings. But I definitely need to get back at it.
-I have been watching 30 Rock reruns at 3pm each day before I pick up the kids at the bus stop. Love it!
-I saw the Hunger Games on Sunday with my sister. IT WAS SO GREAT! It made me want to re-read the book. And I think I may end up watching the movie again.
-Shad and I joined a small group at church. We went to our first night last night. There are 3 other couples that are about the same age as us and we all have 3 kids. We came into the middle of Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage. Last night was about giving and taking.
-Our good friend and babysitter back home just found out that her husband has a very large mass in his brain. He has been very confused and irrational. I am praying for them, maybe you could too.
-I am going to a friend's mom's funeral on Saturday. Her mom lost her battle with lung cancer. I didn't know her mom, but I want to be there for my friend.
-Sunday I mowed all 1 and 1/3 acres of our yard myself with our riding lawn mower. I actually enjoyed it. Shad was very patient with me and did not yell at me when I high centered the mower on a tree root. Apparently it is a tractor, but not really a tractor. Oops.
-We have a tree in our front yard that is blooming with beautiful white flowers.
-All the streets in our neighborhood are lined with cherry blossom trees. When I walk to the bus stop all I smell is cherry blossoms.
-I have found myself obsessing about any red spots I see on my body.
-My dermatologist was not very happy with how my rash is looking after radiation. We are going to wait until 6 weeks is up to see if it fades more, then she is going to biopsy it again. She may want me to do UV treatment. I am trying not to worry about it and see how it looks by the end of April. Maybe you could pray for that too.
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