Because Shad and I enjoy dumb funny movies and because of the family that I grew up in, movie quotes have become a regular part of our normal, every day conversation. They mostly come from my mouth, but Shad and the kids have some of their favorites too. Who knew that our affinity for movie quotes would cause one to become our family motto for the year? I am almost ashamed to say that one of our favorite, and most frequently quoted movie lines is from the movie Dodgeball. Yes, it's sad. Even our kids go around saying this line. **Please note: they have never seen the movie, they just hear their parents say it and they know we think it's funny, so they think it's funny.** So, what is our family motto for 2016?
We're grabbing the bull by the horns in 2016!
Cambridge Dictionary defines "taking the bull by the horns" as: to do something difficult in a brave and determined way. We have discussed this metaphor with the kids and we have all agreed that is what we are going to do this year. We are going to be brave and determined in all that we do and we are all going to try new things this year. For our family, trying new things is a big deal. We are all somewhat reserved when it comes to putting ourselves out there or doing things we aren't necessarily comfortable doing. I know for some folks that's not such a big deal, but for us it is. Here we are only 13 days into the new year and we have all already started "grabbing the bull by the horns."
Today Josh became the only tuba player in the fifth grade band. He has blown us away with his enthusiasm for band. Since school started in the fall, he has been playing the baritone horn. His band teacher told him he is doing so well on the baritone that he wants him to try the tuba. Josh stepped up to the plate and gave it a go. It is safe to say that Josh is the most hesitant to try new things in this family. He has always been cautious about new things and it is exciting to see him take this head on.
Hannah is getting ready to start rehearsals for the Easter Bow the Knee production that is put on in our community each year. She did this last year and blew us away! She initiated the whole thing. She walked into a church where she knew no one and interviewed to be in the kids choir. She got up early each Saturday morning and gave up her Sunday afternoons and her Wednesday evenings for rehearsals. She did 4 performances on stage in front of 1500-2600 people each evening. This year she has decided to step it up a notch and try out for a solo! I feel so nervous for her, but I will never tell her that! She has been practicing and will be ready for her audition next month.
Here she is last year.
Speaking of Bow the Knee: I am taking the bull by the horns by joining the choir also. I feel inadequate and a little stupid, but I am doing it! I went to the informational meeting on Sunday with the intention of getting information. I walked away with an envelope full of music and a listening CD. I even ignored my desire to run and run fast! when they said that after the meeting, the choir would stay for an hour and rehearse! I stayed. I rehearsed. I sat in a room full of good singers and I sang with them. I do not think I am a good singer, but I can carry an OK tune. I was so intimidated. Only like 25 more rehearsals and 5 performances to go...
I have also been learning how to step up my game at home. It is very easy for me to sit back and let Shad do all the big stuff and ultimately make most of the big decisions. He is such a decisive person that I have learned to let him do it. We have discussed this many times over the last 6 months. He informed me that he is overwhelmed and needs my help. He wants me to make more decisions for our family. So, I am learning how to do it. I have been taking better charge of our household and the details of it. I have stopped waiting for Shad's input on every decision that has to be made, put on my big girl panties and started making decisions on my own. I have also been voicing my opinion more on the decisions that we need to make together. One task I have taken on is planning our Maui vacation.
Because I am stepping it up at home, Shad is learning how to back down. He has always been confident and good at making decisions. He is learning how to wait and let me take charge of things he would normally just step up and do. This is a big shift for our family. Shad is so supportive of me and I really appreciate him. He has my back and helps me along the way. He is also learning how to day trade stocks. He takes it on as a challenge and challenging it has been. Because he does not back down from a challenge, I am confident he will get it figured out.
For Bethany, confidence and grabbing the bull by the horns is not a problem. We call her our little spitfire for a reason. She is full of it. Fire, I mean. She will continue with her gymnastics that she totally rocks! She has already been asked to join the pre-team girls which would put her at the gym for 6 hours a week! We are not quite ready for that level of commitment for our almost 5 year old. But we will continue to encourage her to thrive at her one hour per week gymnastics class and enjoy watching her do it. She is also doing great at preschool. She is learning her letters and their sounds and can spell her name on her own. And I know she will not stop cracking us up along the way.
For our family, to "do something difficult in brave and determined way" is a big change. It is not something we can say we are going to do and then do it. For most of us, it would be easy to say we are going to do it and then just let it go by the wayside. The best way we can stick with this motto for 2016 is to rely on God to help us stay determined. We pray together as a family and ask Him to give us the courage to do these new things. We also feel like these changes are from Him so we know He will help us accomplish our goals. I know that He is the only way I will be able to show up for each rehearsal and sing...with other people being able to hear me sing. And I have no doubt that we are being prepped for the HUGE step we will be taking when we get on a plane and fly to Bulgaria to bring our little one home someday.
Forget the former things; do not
dwell in the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not
perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert
and streams in the wasteland.
Isaiah 43:18-19

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