Saturday, February 21, 2015


Today our youngest turns 4.  It seems like I was just pregnant with her, but it also feel like 1000 years ago. 

Bethany is such a sweet girl.


But don’t let this innocent looking face fool you.


Bethany is quite the spitfire. 

She is full of spunk with a capital S!


She does funny things all the time.  And when she realizes that we are laughing at her funny thing, she does it about 10 more time.


While she still loves to snuggle with Mom, Dad and Hannah, she is also quite independent.  She can buckle her own car seat, put toothpaste on her tooth brush and put her socks and shoes on herself.  And don’t you dare try to pick her outfit for her!  She usually prefers to do things herself, but if she doesn’t feel like it, she will EXPECT one to do it for her.  And she is not afraid to tell you her expectations. 


Bethany loves to play with kids her size, whether that’s a cousin or a random kid she found to play with at the park.  She loves her brother and sister.  She is snuggly with Hannah and they are pretty tight.  Josh thinks she is hilarious, except for when she sneaks into his room and runs out with some of his Legos laughing maniacally.  (Although the rest of us find that hilarious!)

Right now, Bethany’s favorite thing to do is play with Barbie's.  She changes their clothes and takes them on trips to the “beach”.  She also loves to watch Jake and the Neverland Pirates, which is a nice break from her long stretch of watching the Power Rangers.  We were all so happy when that ended.

She is also really getting into learning her letters and numbers.  We toured a preschool on Tuesday and, after taking some time to warm up, she did not want to leave.  She cried that she wanted to go back all the way home.  She loves to watch some Leap Frog cartoons, one about letters and one about shapes.  I love listening to her try to guess the letters and she is so proud when she gets it correct.  Right now she can recognized O, J and B consistently.  She can also tell me how many sides a triangle has and a square has.  I love watching her learn.

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Bethany you are such a cutie pie and we are so happy to have you in our family!  We all love you so much!  Our house would be way less fun if you weren’t here. 

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