This day, ten years ago, was a big day for these 3 guys. Grandpa Dan gained his grandpa status for the first time, Shad gained his dad status for the first time and Josh breathed his first breath. But that’s not all. Right here is 3 generations of first born males, 3 generations all born on the same day, December 16th. This was not a planned thing (because who could plan that?!). It was just a regular birth that happened 3 weeks early. Josh wasn’t supposed to come until January, until 2005, but he had a different idea. There was no induction, there was no C-Section. At 8 pm on December 15th, 2004, the contractions started and they didn’t stop until Josh was born the next morning at 9:30, just the way it was supposed to be. I have to say, I feel sorry for Josh’s future wife: no pressure on making this happen for 4 generations!
Somehow time has flown by and that wrinkled newborn looks like this now. His frequent crying has been replaced with a smart kid that likes to talk, a lot. Josh has become a lover of learning and a lover of teaching others what he has learned. You will rarely find him reading a fiction book. I heard him say just yesterday that the book he got for his birthday about “a unique collection of superb cross-sections that explores the inner workings of real machines and buildings” is the best gift he has ever received! Josh is also a passionate (PASSIONATE!) boy that uses his passion to express his many opinions. I guess you could say that he is an extremely verbal kid.
We had a windstorm last week causing the power to go out for several hours. By the time Josh got home from school the house was getting pretty dark. While Hannah was outside standing in the wind yelling, “this is awesome!”, Josh was inside looking for flash lights and trying to make sure all the doors were latched shut so the wind wouldn’t blow them open. He was genuinely concerned for our safety. Once I was able to convince him that we were going to be just fine, then he was able to relax enough to go outside with Hannah and enjoy the crazy wind. He’s all boy most of the time, telling goofy stories that he has made up, talking about video games with his friends and riding his bike around the neighborhood, but he is also not afraid to hug his mom at school. Also, he always checks in with me when he rides his bike to his friend’s house. One time he called me from his friend’s just to say, “Mom! Everyone is here! It’s so awesome! We’re playing hide n seek, it’s so fun!”.
I love that kid!
Today Grandpa Dan, Shad and Josh are celebrating their birthday by taking the day off from life and spending the day on the river fishing. Fishing has become something that Josh enjoys as much as his dad does, so they have been doing a lot of it lately. I love to see them bonding and growing closer. I have also thoroughly enjoyed watching Shad be a dad. He is fun, patient, and firm when he needs to be. Today he begins his last year in his thirties and for that I will call him old all year long. **wink, wink** Ten years ago was a big day, but, looking back, I realize that it was merely the beginning of a wonderful, action packed, life changing journey. I thank God for every bit of it.
Happy birthday to my guys!
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