Saturday, October 4, 2014

My Little Red Head

Since Halloween is around the corner, there has been a lot of talk amongst the kids about costumes.  You know the question one must ask oneself as the holiday approaches, “What should I be for Halloween?”  For Bethany it has been no different.  Of course, at first, it was Elsa.  I quickly, gently talked her out of that one because I knew that Hannah wanted to be Elsa and Bethany already owns an Anna dress (how cute would that be the big sister as Elsa and the little one as Anna?).  I did not want to have to buy 2 Elsa dresses!  For about a day I had her convinced that Anna was the right choice.  Then she started talking about Strawberry Shortcake.  I was mildly OK with that choice, but I really didn’t want to spend a lot of money on costumes, so I kept pushing Anna.  Then, a few days ago she mentioned Ariel.  Perfect!  I quickly jumped on board with that one because we own an Ariel dress also.  All we needed to complete the costume was the hair.

Bethany Wig (1)

Oh, the hair.  I took her to the costume store on Wednesday to get her her hair.  She quickly ran upstairs to try on her Ariel costume.  Isn’t she cute?

Bethany Wig (2)

Here she wanted a picture of her as Ariel with a back pack on.

Oh my!

Bethany spent all day Wednesday in her Ariel hair and dress.

Bethany Wig (3)

It was just like a normal day to her.  Sit on the couch and watch her favorite show (Strawberry Shortcake) in her Ariel attire.  The only time she took off her hair and dress was at bedtime.  I was worried if she slept in her hair that it would start to look like a Barbie’s hair does after it has been owned for a week of longer, one giant dread lock.  So we took off the wig, I wrapped in the hairnet it came with and slid it back into the package for safe keeping until Halloween.

Bethany Wig (4)

The next morning she came down from her room fully dressed and ready for her day.

Oy!  What did do?  I created an Ariel monster!

Friday morning, I got her to at least agree to put on regular clothes first and then put her dress over her clothes.  She came out front with me and helped me work in the yard, fully decked out in her Ariel dress and Hair.

I have been documenting the Ariel saga on FB for the last few days.  I have had so many comments about how cute she looks and what a sassy girl she is.  Actually a picture of Bethany in that giant red hair really sums up her whole personality: sassy, princess, quirky, adorable, cute, spunky and TOTAL MIND OF HER OWN!

My aunt shared the above picture on her FB page with this caption:

“My mom's namesake...her quirky little personality is so mom!”

(Bethany’s middle name is Annelore after my gramma.)

Bethany Wig (5)

Last night she mixed it up a bit and wore her Ariel hair with her Anna crown, Hawaiian dress and purple princess shoes. 

She’s just about too much.

This morning, while Bethany was playing with her sister, I took the hair, wrapped it in it’s hairnet and slid it back into the package…then put it in the top of her closet.  Out of sight out of mind, right?  I didn’t do this to discourage her from wearing it because I really don’t mind if she walks around in a giant red wig.  I hid it away because I am afraid that her hair will be in one big chunk of dread lock before we even make it to October 31. 

I have a feeling that my sassy, quirky little princess will be asking for her Ariel hair before the day is over.

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