Friday, February 28, 2014

She’s 3!

One week ago, our little peanut pie turned 3.  It’s funny, it seems like a hundred years ago that I was pregnant with her and when she was a tiny baby.  It is probably because that was 2 houses ago and one state and one town ago.  Josh was in kindergarten and Hannah preschool and now they are experienced students.  But, at the same time, I wonder where the time went and how in the heck my tiny girl is 3!  The conundrum of parenting.  The years go so fast and the days can go so slowly.

I had to go down south for a Called to Love meeting, so we decided to do her party down there at our favorite pizza place.  It was perfect.  No house cleaning and no food preparing.  All I had to do was call and reserve our spot, order a cake and then just show up!  This is a very popular place for parties, so on a Saturday night, it was hoppin’! 


One thing I love about our families is that they always come.  Whether it is a birthday party, a baptism, 4th of July, Thanksgiving or Christmas, you can always count on all of the grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins to be there!


Don’t let the face fool you, Gavin really does like us.  He’s just a teenager, so he’s too cool to look like he is having fun.  I love Jackie’s pizza face.


Shad and his mom and sister, looks like a deep conversation.  That’s Great Grandpa in the back ground.  I love that the kids get to know him.


The birthday girl and her pizza.


Hannah is such a super big sister.  She read all of Bethany’s cards for her.


I love, love, LOVE this picture of Bethany!  For 2 weeks all she would say that she wanted for her birthday was an “Anna gress”.  So, being the good parents that we are, Shad and I drove 30 minutes to go to the proper store to buy her an authentic, overly priced, Anna dress.  She loves it!  She wears it around the house and wants to be called Anna and calls Hannah Elsa because she is her big sister.


I tried to get her an Anna cake too, but everyone was out of the toys for the cakes.  So we settled on this one instead.  I gave up on trying to get a picture of her by herself with her cake.  All of the little kids want in on the action.  And, no, that is not ink on her cousin Mason’s face.  I asked him what happened and he put his hands up, palms up and said, “the chicken got me!”  Apparently their dog was chasing the chicken and just as it took flight to get away, he walked up and it’s claw got his face.  I have stopped being surprised when I see Mason if he has a boo boo on his face/head.  The dude is a tank and seems to take the brunt of his injuries there.


“Happy birthday to you…”


Seriously, is she not the sweetest?!



Happy three years to you, Bethany.  You have brought so much joy and fun to our family.  You are our little big girl and we love you so much!

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1 comment:

woosterweester said...

Happy Birthday Bethany! You are just the cutest thing!

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