Monday I went in and had my radiation simulation done. Basically they figured out the proper position my body needs to be in for the treatment. They used a CT scan to plan the type, duration and where to aim the radiation. They even put some permanent markings on my body so they know where to line me up each time I come in. Yes, I finally got that tramp stamp I have been wanting. OK, it's just a tiny black dot at my tailbone and one on each hip. Not as cool as a butterfly or heart. Uh, ya. I saw Dr. L, the radiation/oncologist and he decided that I would only need 15 treatments as opposed the the 20 he originally said. I was very happy to hear that. He still thinks that after about 10-14 treatments I will start to get red, painful skin that may or may not become swollen and raised. Not sure if I will experience any blistering.
So today I went and had my very first, real radiation treatment. First of all, let me just say that I neve knew that I would have my butt drawn on and photographed so many times. Well, ever, for that matter. I am choosing to have a sense of humor about it because it would be easy to feel uncomfortable while lying on a table with my whole body covered except my left buttock. See I am smiling even as I write this because I know that mental picture is probably making you uncomfortable. Now imagine a big blue circle drawn around a red rash. Ha! Today they added 2 more tattoos, so now I have 5 random, tiny, black dots permanently on my tush. It took them more time to get me in the right position, draw on my tush and then stand back and stare at it (it really is beautiful) than it took to do the radiation. I don't feel anything during the treatment. If you have ever had an x-ray, it's just like that. They set me all up, go out of the room to stand behind a giant lead wall, the machine beeps and boops and it's all over. So today was number 1. Only 14 more to go.
I started to feel nervous last night in anticipation and I didn't sleep great last night. This morning I was a little upset but once I got there I was OK. I know that God has this all in His mighty hands and is fighting this battle. All I have to do show up and trust Him. Phew, that is hard to do sometimes, but I will keep asking Him to help me to trust Him. And that His power will be made perfect in my weakness. So I am asking all of you, my family and friends, that if you have a chance, could you please remember me each week day at 9:30 AM from tomorrow until March 14th when I have my last treatment. I have been able to feel the prayers that you have already been lifting me up in. The love that I feel from God and all of you has been overwhelming and comforting. I thank you all for that.
I also want to say thank you to Jonnie, Shawn, Connie, Michelle and Greg for being here for us while we were on vacation. They all stepped up to be with the kids while Shad and I were gone. It was so wonderful to be able to go away and know that the kids were in good hands and were being well taken care of. Thank you! Also I want to say thank you to my amazing friend, Maria, and her girls, Molly and Emma, for coming up on Sunday night to be here Monday morning to hang with Josh, Hannah and Bethany while Shad and I went to my simulation appointment. Your friendship is so special to me and I appreciate you so much! Thank you! Also, thank you to my mom who is going to be here next week to watch the girls while I go to my appointments while Shad is out of town for a couple days. It's nice to be a grown up, but just as nice to know my mom is always available to help. Thank you, Mom!
I will keep you up to date on the radiation, any side affects, how the rash is doing and how I am doing. Thank you, again, for all your prayers and kind words. They really do mean the world to me and bring me great comfort.

Well, OK. One down! I was thinking about you a lot this morning and a little anxious for you. I wish I had the mental image of your bare buttocks with writing on it. THat might have made me a little less anxious. ;) I'm glad you're able to laugh a little and that you have lots of support. We'll still be praying for you, that this is an unventful and successful treatment. Hang in there! Maybe you can play radiation therapy with the kids. ;)
I kept thinking "a merry heart is good medicine" and thought about how God will use humor to heal right along with your radiation treatments. While I wish that you didn't have to go through it at all I am so thankful for the word God gave you to stand on when fear starts to creep in, and that you had time to be with JUST Shad before starting all of this. Prayed for you this morning and believing that this affliction will NOT rise a second time. This is it! Let's take this sucker out once and for all and give the enemy a black eye.:) Love you!
Oops. I have no idea how I am signed in as Lee.:) this is Rory...better than signing in as my father-in-law, remember that?!:)
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