You may remember that when Bethany was about 2 weeks old, she started having tummy problems. You can read all about it here, here and here if you want all the nitty gritty details. But I will just do a quick recap. She had bloody diarrhea for quite awhile, for a few days I just knew she had leukemia, we took her to a specialist and they diagnosed her with severe allergic colitis due to a milk protein allergy. It was a very long, scary week that I would not want to do again.
Turns out there is a formula made especially for her milk protein allergy that was causing the colitis and the specialist said that by 12 months she should out grow the allergy. She gave me directions on how to trial Bethany on regular formula. I was to try at 6 months, if her tummy didn't tolerate it, I was to try again at 9 months then again at 12 months.
So for about 8 months, now, Bethany has been on a very expensive formula.
$33.49 a can to be exact. The stuff is smelly and sticky, but it fixed her tummy problems and she has been growing right on schedule. I grit my teeth every time I buy a can and she uses a can about every 5-6 days.
I did a regular formula trial when she was 6 months old, but the diarrhea started right back up. So back to the Nutramigen we went.
Now that Bethany is coming up on 9 months old, I decided to give the formula trial another go. I am happy to say that she has been eating regular formula for 3 days and seems to be tolerating it just fine. No blood, no diarrhea. Praise God! He has healed her tummy.
I went to the store today to get a large can of her new formula and realized that it is $10 less a can than the Nutramigen. Ten dollars! That's $40 to $50 saved per month. I made Josh and Hannah say "thank you, God for healing Bethany's tummy" in the middle of the formula isle at Target, I was so pleased. I love answers to prayer.
I think Bethany is pretty please, as well.

That is a HUGE praise report!!!! (And yes, that's four exclamation points, because this deserves it!) Woohoo!! I love that you were thanking God in the formula aisle--hallelujah not only for her healing but that you get to pay 50 bucks less a month! Holla! Now that's shoutin' ground girlfriend, and you are welcome to tear it up in any Target aisle you like. Yup, I think Bethany's pretty happy about it too.:)
That is no small deal! But I must admit, I was so distracted wanting to look at Bethany's picture that I had to go back and finish reading the post. She. Is. So. ADORABLE!
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