I am just 11 days shy of being a mom of 3 for 3 straight months. I am so amazed at how different it is, at how different I am. In some ways I am much more relaxed. I don't jump the second the baby starts to cry. I may shove the binky in her mouth to keep her happy a few more minutes so I can finish what I am doing before I feed her. If the diaper isn't bulging or stinky, it really doesn't need to be changed. I have come to the conclusion that it is so much easier to just grab her and carry her than to bother carrying her in the car seat or messing with the dang stroller. When I drive the kids to school, I don't take the diaper bag. I don't plan my day around feedings, I just feed her as we go.
But, you know, I am also very tense. I see how fast she is growing and developing and I almost go into a panic because of it. And since the whole bloody diarrhea experience I am more aware of my kids' mortality and how important it is for them to love God and have a relationship with Him. Having a baby makes me realize how much Josh and Hannah have grown up, too. I am just so much more aware that time is flying by and I need to savor it all, every moment.
Like this one.
I set her down and walked out of the room to change my shirt as she started to cry. When I walked back into the room, this is what I found. Is there anything sweeter?
I guess what I am trying to say is: Even though it's emotionally difficult to watch my babies grow, I LOVE being the mom of 3!

This is beautiful and so true. You seem so relaxed and perfectly suited for three. I don't think it's a bad thing to want to treasure every moment. ;) Remember that when she's a naughty toddler!
Oh goodness. I love that picture! You won't regret a single moment that you've stopped to treasure. You're so right. Thanks for reminding me to do the same!
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