Monday, January 3, 2011


Some of my most favorite song lyrics right now:

Before you ever took a breath.
Long before the world began.
Of all the wonders He possessed,
there was one more precious.
Of all the earth and skies above,
you're the one He madly loves enough to die.
You're beautiful.
You're beautiful.
In His eyes.

Mercy Me

I have not been feeling so beautiful lately.  Yes, some of it is physical (something to do with my 40 pound weight gain in the last 8 months, I don't know).  But mostly because of what is on the inside of me.  God did a ton of work on my heart over there in the desert.  When we moved back in October 2009, I was on fire for Him and was surrendered to Him.  That fire has fizzled and I am stuck in my head and feelings lately.  Some of it is just distraction from pregnancy.  But it is mostly a bad attitude and self-centeredness.  I barely read my bible and only pray when I feel like I need to.  And now, as I am realizing how far I have fallen from Him, I feel ugly.  I am repentant, but I still can't seem to get it together with God, to really connect with Him like I was.  I know that He is working in me and on me and I am so thankful for that.  I know that He does not give up on me and that He forgives.  So when I hear the lyrics to this song, it is like He is reminding me.  I am beautiful, in His eyes. 

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woosterweester said...

Love your heart. I don't know a one of us who hasn't gone through a dry season. I've had several this year myself! Praying that He'll feel closer than ever to you this week!:)

Unknown said...

Keep on going Becky! Don't be so hard on yourself - I always tell myself that you need lows to experience the pleasure of highs!
How can we not appreciate hot if we're not cold? How can we not appreciate happy, if we haven't cried tears?

Becky said...

Thank you for the encouragment ladies! I wrote this post not even knowing where it was going, then hesitated before I clicked on publish. I am glad I published it. When I feel this way, I tend to keep it to myself and hope I get through on my own. I'm trying to be more open and honest with myself and those around me.

Brazenlilly said...

Oh, I love that song. We all have times when we feel far less than beautiful. What makes you beautiful on the inside is the fact that you are striving to be the best daughter of Christ you can be. IF you fall down, you get back up again. I wish you could see yourself as others do! You are strong and mighty and humble and compassionate. You're beautiful!

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