I am thankful that no matter how little time and focus I give God, He is so faithful and forgiving and will always be there when I seek Him.
I am thankful that my husband is so patient, understanding and loving to me.
I am thankful for Josh who told me to hold his hand the other day so I wouldn't hurt my sore ankle.
I am thankful for Hannah who told her class today that she is thankful for her baby sister.
I am thankful for our house that is always warm.
I am thankful for a kitchen full of groceries.
I am thankful that Shad has a job and is not laid off, even though it's slow right now.
I am thankful that the physical therapy is helping so much and my ankle is returning to normal.
I am thankful for this very active little girl growing inside of me.
I am thankful that I get the opportunity to experience childbirth again in just a few months.
I am thankful that my kids go to a school where they sing Happy Birthday to Jesus at their Christmas Program.
I am thankful that God has blessed us with the finances to send them to that school.
I am thankful that I get to be a stay-at-home mom and wife.
I am thankful that Shad sends me emails from work just to say hi or thanks for the leftovers.
I am thankful for my amazing girlfriends who I love spending time with.
I am thankful for Mom2Mom and the weekly dose of sanity all those girls give me.
I am thankful that my dog was not sick, she just had fleas.
I am thankful that the flea meds and spray worked and Laney is already flea-free.
I am thankful that when I went to get a snow suit in the garage for Hannah to wear in the snow, that was going to be way too small, I found the ski bibs that a friend had given us and I had forgotten about, so both kids had ski bibs that fit.
I am thankful that Josh is learning to read and Hannah is writing her name.
I am thankful for my mother-in-law who is so willing to help with the kids and make awesome baby blankets.
I am thankful that my mom and dad are also so willing to help with the kids.
Last, I am thankful for thankfulness because it can be so much easier to focus on the negatives and forget to be thankful at all. I pray you all have an amazing Thanksgiving!

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