Monday, September 20, 2010

Up Close and Personal

Today I am linking up with Debra. Friday she blogged that she would be taking some close up shots of her kids and posting them on Monday. Then she asked if anyone else would participate. I thought, that would be fun and then quickly forgot all about it until yesterday evening after the kids has played hard all day and were very tired. So I grabbed my camera anyway and got a few cute shots of them sitting on the couch watching cartoons before the bedtime routine. When she is tired, it is very hard to get Hannah's thumb out of her mouth, so keep that in mind. Also, if you go check out Debra's photos, keep in mind that she does professional photos and I DO NOT. My camera is a simple point and shoot pocket camera. So, here you go, my little monkeys up close.

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Carly Peters said...

Those are the best photos to get cause that is how you remember those cute little things they do like sucking their thumb. Cute!

Jennifer said...

Precious! My little Hannah is a thumb sucker too.

debra parker said...

what fun memories to have forever. i love the idea of taking close ups!

thanks for playing.

Anonymous said...

Very cute!

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