Speaking of Mom 2 Mom, I am now a table leader which I am excited about. I think God has been getting me ready to do this for awhile now. Here's the problem...I'm tired. I am having a hard time getting the motivation to finish the last few pages of the second chapter. Getting off to a great start there, huh? As soon as I am done baking the peanut butter cookies that were specifically requested for the first night of our small group tonight I will finish up my study for Mom 2 Mom. (Yes, I am doing 2 bible studies at once.) These very cookies are requested by our small group frequently. I'm not going to lie or be humble, I have mastered the peanut butter cookie. Maybe someday I will share the recipe here.
It's hard to believe that I am 19 weeks pregnant today. Sometimes it's still hard for me to believe that I am pregnant at all! Reality is a funny thing. Sometimes it slaps me upside the head and I am giddy with excitement and sometimes I catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror and think, "Holy crap! I'm gonna have a baby!" I have an ultrasound next Thursday. One more week and we will know if this tiny one is a boy or a girl. I am very excited to know and so are the kids. I planned the ultrasound on a day that the kids don't have school, so they get to come and see the baby with Shad and I. How special it has been to be pregnant with kids that are old enough to get it. Josh hugs my belly and says, "I love you baby George." (That's what he named the baby until we find out the sex, then who knows what he will come up with.) And Hannah loves to go to the store with me and admire all the adorable, tiny baby clothes with me. It's because of those two that I am enjoying this pregnancy in a totally different way than when I was pregnant with them.
The kids are doing great with school. Josh says he wishes kindergarten was all day and all night. And Hannah loves to show me her art work and how she is learning to write her name. She just beams with pride. They both have great teachers. I have been volunteering in Josh's class and am very impressed with his teacher. It is also so much fun to see Josh in his school environment. It's nice to see he is as easily distracted at school as he is at home. Hannah is starting to come out of her shell. She's been a little shy at first. Today one of the boys waved to her in the parking lot at school and he knew her name. It was very cute. Hannah also loves Josh's teacher because she gives her under dogs on the swing at recess. So every one's happy. It warms my heart to see my kids thriving at school.
That's all I've got for today. Hope you all have great rest of the week!

1 comment:
How about Georgia? I wish preschool was all day and all night, actually. ;) Can't wait until next Thursday! Is it a morning one?
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