Monday, August 2, 2010

Ankle Update

It's been a week and 2 days since the ankle accident. For the most part is has not been a horrible week and 2 days. Really I have been taken care of by Shad and the kids and even an awesome friend came to my house and vacuumed it for me. Last night my family came over with dinner and even left us the left-overs so I wouldn't have to worry about cooking for one night. Yesterday I sat with my foot up as all the rest of our community group friends and Shad cleaned the church like we do the first Sunday of every month. I was actually told not to get up and empty the garbages in the class rooms, even though I could have.
The ankle pain has not been horrible either. It has definitely looked as ugly as it could with all the swelling and the bruised ankle and toes. It's sore and doesn't let me get a super great night of sleep, but I really don't have much to complain about. I would say the hardest part about all of this is walking with crutches and the sitting. As a mom and wife it is so hard to just sit. But Shad has been so encouraging and helpful around the house that there's really not much to get done around here because he has already done it. He is an amazing man!
So after what I thought was going to be a HUGE deal last weekend is turning out to be not so bad. It's been a good learning experience, really. I've learned some humility (you let your friend come and vacuum your house while you sit on the couch and see how humbled you are). And I have also learned to let it go. The house will not fall apart if I sit and rest my ankle. I know it's hard for us girls to fathom, but our husbands can do it. They can take care of it all while we recover. Last I have learned to be thankful. I am so thankful that the injury is not as bad as it could have been. I am thankful that I am only just beginning to grow in my pregnancy and not 8 months pregnant through all of this. I am thankful for my husband who has been so patient and loving through all of this. I am thankful to my kids who have not gotten a raging case of cabin fever and that they push the laundry basket around for me so I can at least do the laundry. And I am thankful that God has used this whole experience to show me that being still brings so much peace if you just allow yourself to do it.

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