VBS has been a lot of fun so far. Only 2 days have gone by? I am volunteering as "camp nurse." I have never worked as a nurse outside of work. So far it's been tummy aches and skinned knees. I am just praying we don't have to use either one of the two Epi pens that sit on the table staring at us. Josh is having a blast, it's his first year. I see him with his group from time to time and he is just bee-boppin' around. Hannah is spending her time at VBS in the childcare for volunteers. They have lot's of young junior high and high school girls helping out. Every now and then I see her and her cousin, Norah, wheeling by in the wagon. Needless to say Hannah is having a blast too.
Now, about the last post...I am sure you have some questions. Let me give you the low down on all that. Yes, it was planned. We've been "trying" since January, but I have been wanting to do this for about 2 years, just wasn't God's plan yet. Yes, we have told the kids. They are excited, Hannah especially. She wants to share a room with our baby, as she calls it. She has been asking a million cute little questions and she has been wanting to see pictures of her when her and I were at the hospital together and she has looked at her baby book twice since we told them. Josh was excited when we told them, but has kind of let it go for now. He took it like a boy, I guess. No, we are not going to get a bigger house. Kids don't know their rooms are small unless you make it an issue, so we'll figure out room arrangements when it gets closer. Shad and I are both excited but still a little in shock that it is actually happening. The good kind of shock where one minute you are beside yourself excited, then the next you are thinking WHAT HAVE WE DONE?
I made my first two OB appointments today and I schedule an ultrasound for this Monday. The doctor wants to get a more accurate due date since I am a bit irregular (you can take that how ever you want). I am excited for that. I got off the phone with the scheduler and realized, Holy Cow! I am really pregnant. A little reality setting in, I guess.
I haven't been feeling awful, but not great either. I get reflux/heartburn from about day one, so I constantly have a lump in my throat. I won't mention that I was burping bile yesterday. Oops, I guess I just did. I have never vomited from morning sickness, let's pray it stays that way. I've been tired, but not as much as I remember when I was pregnant with Josh. Of course, I don't have time to dwell on tiredness now that I have two kids. My belly feels bloated and the area further north is feeling "bloated" too. I'm thinking I am going to get into maternity clothes sooner than I did with Josh and Hannah, but we'll see. Shad is very excited to climb into the attic and bring down my 3 boxes of maternity clothes. I'm sure some of it is out of style so I'm sure I'll be doing some shopping when I start growing.
Josh just spent a half hour entertaining himself by throwing a balloon up into the ceiling fan. He was busting a gut. Such a cute little dude, that Josh. Then Hannah locked him out in the garage when he went out there to get a broom to get the balloon down from the top of the entertainment center. Uh, I don't think so. Somehow a broom plus TV and glass front doors, in the hands of a 5 year old, just seems like a bad idea. I guess that means I have to get up. There's my current life in a nutshell. Now off to rescue a balloon.
1 comment:
Love your posts! Kat
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