Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Rainbow Cupcakes

I have a friend with the cutest blog that is all about fun crafts and projects you can do with your kiddos. Yesterday she posted these cupcakes and I thought they were so cute I had to try them. They are rainbow cupcakes with white cloud frosting, just in time St. Patrick's Day. She even suggested placing them on gold foil, you know, for the treasure at the end of the rainbow. So cute! If you want to know how to make them you can link to her blog here (I'm too lazy to write it all out, so sue me!).

I think I will even make some for Easter.
Thanks Jamie!


The Edelbrocks said...

Yeah! I am glad you liked them! I am thinking about making one of the girls whole birthday cakes this way!

Brooke said...

That frosting looks so good! Very cute...reminds me of the rainbow cake on Mckmama's site that I'd like to make someday.

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