Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Recipe, Really?

I know that I have only done one recipe post and it was mostly tongue in cheek, but I have been asked several times for my recipe for a few different "go to" meals that I usually make for potlucks and for families that have had new babies. So I decided to post some of those recipes for those of you that have asked and those that didn't, you can use them too. I thought I would start with one that I totally just throw together. It has changed with each time I have made it, but this is how I have made it the last 3 or 4 times. I have made it for 3 different families after having a new baby and all 3 moms have asked me for the recipe, in which I respond, "I don't have one, I just kind of throw it together." But, just for all of you, I will make it into a recipe. Here goes:

Tortellini Bake
(I just made that up.)
Boil one family sized package of Bertolini Tortellini (in the refrigerated pasta section)
(I like the three cheese flavor, you could use what ever tickles your fancy.)
You can tell they are done when they all look puffy and float to the top.
Meanwhile in a deep skillet:
brown 1 pound of hamburger along with one med. onion
(I have used elk burger too, it's good)
Drain the meat/onion mixture and place back in the skillet
Add one 15 oz. can of tomato sauce and one 15 oz. can of petite diced tomatoes
Next add some garlic powder, dried oregano, basil, parsley, salt and pepper to taste, and one drained can of corn
Let that simmer for a few minutes
To make the sauce stick to the pasta and to cut some of the tang of the tomato sauce, you can stir in about 2 pats of real butter just before you toss the sauce with the pasta. (I learned that from my sister, the chef. It really works!)
So you toss the pasta and sauce together and place it in a baking dish, then, and this is most important, sprinkle as much mozzarella cheese as you can stand. I just buy the already shredded, but you could do it yourself if you like to live on the edge and don't mind the risk of shredding off your knuckles.
Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes or until the cheese is slightly browned and the sauce is bubbly.
You can really substitute anything you like and use fresh spices if you like. The point of this meal is to just use what I have in the house on a regular basis. Shad is not a fan of garlic and I can take it or leave it, so I don't usually cook with fresh garlic.
Hope you enjoy!

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