Wednesday, October 14, 2009

No Pain, No Gain

Today I started my first class at the gym. I was so excited to get started. I wanted to start in a class because I need some direction and discipline when it comes to working out. I have a tendency to get lazy while I am exercising. It is quite an art to be a lazy exerciser (is that an oxymoron?), but I am able. I had to pick a class that was offered during my "off" time while Josh is in school and the childcare for Hannah is limited to 2 hours, so I only had a 1 hour window to choose from. The second hour is reserved for showering in the lovely locker room amidst all the naked old ladies that take the morning water aerobics class. It seems that the older a woman gets the more secure she feels with her body. Therefore it is ok to walk around totally naked, not even wrapped in a towel. It's actually kind of ego boosting. "At least I don't sag that much!" Anywho...I joined the group power class. Basically for each song they focus on a different muscle group by doing SEVERAL reps with a weight bar. I determine the amount of weight for each muscle group. I was smart today and went on the light side. For the triceps I only had 1 1/4 pound plates on my bar and boy was I thankful for that! PHEW! I think I am really going to enjoy the class and the benefits that I will reap from it. I just have to get through tomorrow. The day after the first class is going to be a painful one, I think. I know this because today I can barely lift my arms above my head, go up or down stairs and if I squat down, um, I may not get back up. Oh ya, I felt the burn and I continue to as the day wears on. What's that they say? "No pain, no gain." Bring it on, baby!

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