I just got a text that Maria is only 2 hours away! The kids and I are so excited to see her and her girls, Molly and Emma! We plan to go to the water slide park, shop and watch chick flicks after the kids go to bed. Shad may or may not be here, he hasn't quite decided what he is doing. I can't believe it has been 6 months since we have seen Maria. We are going to have a blast this weekend!!
On another note I wanted to share some stuff that has been going through my head. We have some big stuff coming up in our lives and with that comes a lot of mixed feelings. So beware it's one of my ramblings...
We have officially lived in the desert for one year and 2 ½ months. When we moved here the main solice I had in moving was that we would be back home in 18 months. It was so hard to leave our entire lives, families, friends, house, babysitter and my job totally behind and start over in a town in a whole other world, just barely in the same state even. And now that we are preparing to go back home: having the house painted, enrolling Josh in preschool, thinking about whether or not I will go back to work and even which weekend in October we will pack up and move (we have already taken a load of unpacked boxes back home) I am having a huge array of emotions. I almost can’t even verbalize all the different things that have been going through my head, but I am going to try, so bear with me.
At this time last year I was spending a lot of time moping and feeling lost. I didn’t really know any one and felt cooped up in the house with the kids. I missed my job more than I ever expected and felt a little resentful that I had to leave it. Not to mention it was so stinking hot! 90-100 degrees for days on end, come on! It sucked (for lack of a better word) to go to the park because the kids would just mill around me as I sat on a bench and sweated profusely. So we hung out at the local fast food joint that had an indoor play place. It got to where I couldn’t even order any food for me because it gave me gut rot and I couldn’t stand the smell of it! Family and friends came to visit which was a good distraction, but I just fell right back into self pity as soon as they left.
On our 12th wedding anniversary we attended a church that some friends of my parents recommended. We were instantly welcomed and by the time we left church that Sunday we were going out to lunch with the pastors and had a BBQ date for the next Sunday with Kat and Ralf who have become great friends. What a blessing Harvest Rock has been to us! We have family that isn’t even family! We were welcomed into our pastors’ home and family for Thanksgiving and had a wonderful time.
And then there is our “work family.” We weren’t the only folks that moved here for this bridge job. It has been so nice to have other people here that are in the same boat as us. Brooke and I have grown to be good friends and enjoy many afternoons together watching the kids play and visiting. Just recently we have been getting to know Lucy and her little girl. Brooke and Lucy are both wives to bridge building men like me.
God has just been so faithful to “make a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland” and I am so thankful to Him. He always keeps His promises and usually to an extent that you never could have imagined. I never thought I would be having a hard time leaving this hot, dry, staticky place. But it is hard and I am, again, going to have to lean and rely on God to get me through this next change. I want to go back home I just wish I wasn’t leaving behind a place and experience that God has used to change me so much. I will go home, but I won’t be the same. And thank God for that!!
Now for all our family and friends back home. Please don’t take offense to this post. The other mix of emotions that I have are how excited I am to come home. I have missed all of you more than you can ever know! So if all goes as we think it will, we will be back sooner than later! Please be praying for us that we do what God wants us to because the blessings are so great! I can’t believe we’ll be saying goodbye to the desert when we are just getting to know it…
On another note I wanted to share some stuff that has been going through my head. We have some big stuff coming up in our lives and with that comes a lot of mixed feelings. So beware it's one of my ramblings...
We have officially lived in the desert for one year and 2 ½ months. When we moved here the main solice I had in moving was that we would be back home in 18 months. It was so hard to leave our entire lives, families, friends, house, babysitter and my job totally behind and start over in a town in a whole other world, just barely in the same state even. And now that we are preparing to go back home: having the house painted, enrolling Josh in preschool, thinking about whether or not I will go back to work and even which weekend in October we will pack up and move (we have already taken a load of unpacked boxes back home) I am having a huge array of emotions. I almost can’t even verbalize all the different things that have been going through my head, but I am going to try, so bear with me.
At this time last year I was spending a lot of time moping and feeling lost. I didn’t really know any one and felt cooped up in the house with the kids. I missed my job more than I ever expected and felt a little resentful that I had to leave it. Not to mention it was so stinking hot! 90-100 degrees for days on end, come on! It sucked (for lack of a better word) to go to the park because the kids would just mill around me as I sat on a bench and sweated profusely. So we hung out at the local fast food joint that had an indoor play place. It got to where I couldn’t even order any food for me because it gave me gut rot and I couldn’t stand the smell of it! Family and friends came to visit which was a good distraction, but I just fell right back into self pity as soon as they left.
On our 12th wedding anniversary we attended a church that some friends of my parents recommended. We were instantly welcomed and by the time we left church that Sunday we were going out to lunch with the pastors and had a BBQ date for the next Sunday with Kat and Ralf who have become great friends. What a blessing Harvest Rock has been to us! We have family that isn’t even family! We were welcomed into our pastors’ home and family for Thanksgiving and had a wonderful time.
And then there is our “work family.” We weren’t the only folks that moved here for this bridge job. It has been so nice to have other people here that are in the same boat as us. Brooke and I have grown to be good friends and enjoy many afternoons together watching the kids play and visiting. Just recently we have been getting to know Lucy and her little girl. Brooke and Lucy are both wives to bridge building men like me.
God has just been so faithful to “make a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland” and I am so thankful to Him. He always keeps His promises and usually to an extent that you never could have imagined. I never thought I would be having a hard time leaving this hot, dry, staticky place. But it is hard and I am, again, going to have to lean and rely on God to get me through this next change. I want to go back home I just wish I wasn’t leaving behind a place and experience that God has used to change me so much. I will go home, but I won’t be the same. And thank God for that!!
Now for all our family and friends back home. Please don’t take offense to this post. The other mix of emotions that I have are how excited I am to come home. I have missed all of you more than you can ever know! So if all goes as we think it will, we will be back sooner than later! Please be praying for us that we do what God wants us to because the blessings are so great! I can’t believe we’ll be saying goodbye to the desert when we are just getting to know it…
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